Banter or Racism


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Oh dear

They’ll call that racist but they wore shirts supporting Suarez…

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Why are English soccer fans so obsessed with the length of black footballers knobs ?

I expect someone will photoshop that Origi image on to one of them t shirts…

That’s bigger than the bread bin.

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This sort of stuff is why it’s over 20 years since James Richardson sat at a cafe on a piazza with a massive dessert and a load of Italian newspapers

i always thought he was Gary Imlach…

The Italians are an awful shower of racists

oirish politicans are openly racist as they feel it will win them votes

clean up your own house mate

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The Oirish will lose their shit over this.

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Be a very secure WiFi

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If the PBP crowd eren’t so humorless and miserable they’d easily land a few seats. Yeah life sucks we get it already. They should borrow a leaf from the book of Boris and crack a few jokes every now and then. Its what the people want

Maybe they should try getting a job and earning a few bob. Maybe life wouldnt suck as much.

They’ll never get a free house if they go to work

Do you believe her?