Banter or Racism

Lots of “fire her” responses. Twitter is an unforgiving home

Are MSNBC the crowd that @anon7035031 calls the biased liberal lefty media or something like that?

Not sure. Should she be shown the door?

ITV newsreader fired for quoting Shakespeare passage including words “angry ape” in a verbal exchange with a black person.

If you think a reference to “angry ape” is racist, are you also guilty of your own unconscious racism.

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Was Shakespeare a racist?

Do we need to educate Katie on the art of rebranding? Hatie Kopkins could do untold on Twitter throughout Brexit Day.

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What were the full comments made and the full context of them?

I expect Stryker (Carrigtwohill) to be in the news again in the coming weeks. Not Christmas Party related.

Raggett group?

Racists now as well as being drug and sex fiends!


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Biden learning from Noel Grealish here. The issue is not racism, it’s about exploiting constituents inherint racist instincts. Democracy is what it is. Stoke their fears a la Grealish or shame them as Biden is doing in this instance. So long as people are afraid or ashamed you have them by the balls

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The two best fellas they could come up with to be the most powerful man in the world are both absolute simpletons. The mind boggles. Obama did fuck all but at least he was polished, Clinton the same, fuck you’d take George W at this stage, at least he wasn’t wilfully ignorant

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Clinton did fuck all…metaphorically and literally

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Obama did plenty, the horrible prick.



A dodgy pair