BCG - we are safe

All that mean young children at high risk so.

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end the lockdown

No it doesnā€™t because they seem to be fairly immune


Thereā€™s something about Luke Oā€™Neill I donā€™t trust. Seems to be a bit of a self-promoter.

Yes I prefer something a little bit more robust than an article in the Irish Times quoting an academic from Trinity.

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Prof Oā€™Neill said there was evidence going back 30 years that those getting the vaccine get less measles and less respiratory illness.

Given the ā€œgreat science behind the BCG vaccineā€ this research is worth serious consideration, he believed. Already, scientists are moving quickly in an attempt to verify if there is a medical basis for the connection.

Clinicians in six countries are running trials giving front-line health workers and older people the BCG vaccine. He underlined the study is ā€œa correlation, so there is always an issue of confounding variablesā€. So a high Covid-19 death rate in Italy may be due to low BCG vaccination or a higher proportion of older people.

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Are the effects of COVID19 & TB on the lungs that similar?

Open the pubs/beer halls

Germany donā€™t have BCG and have q low death rate.

Dunno. My aul lad had a bit of his lungs removed due to TB. Going strong at 86 but cannot go for his walks now due to lockdown. Iā€™ll spin over to him and my ma tomorrow with the papers. Both of them were nurses but probably too late for a comeback to frontline now.

just a case of dotting the Iā€™s and crossing the Tā€™s and we are free


the low german death rate is down to the quality of their beer and their diet, the have a law there called the Reinheitsgebot or purity law, which means that brewing is strictly controlled, thereā€™s no chemicals in it, the ate a lot of pork and cabbage too


And they practice normal levels of hygiene controls and paid attention to social distancing etc. Different breed.

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Theyā€™d be a better class of race. Superior almost.

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Although they have said theyā€™re expecting a spike in deaths over the coming weeks.

Are saunas killing this virus Cc @Tassotti