BCG - we are safe

Maybe countries with the BCG are less likely to be governed by stupid cunts.

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This will drive the anti vaxxers demented.

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Are they not demented already?

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More demented

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Ah this is fucking fantastic news. Thanks TSG you’ve made my day

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Ahead of the game as per usual.

The B, the B, the BCG

@Thomas_Brady I already told you the East Germans ran a BCG program and they are flying it. Unraleable even. There’s one place in Germany has it bad, it’s in the west near those filthy Dutch bastards who don’t wash their hands

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Can I ask a stupid question, why would any developed country not have been running a BCG vaccination program until relatively recently at least?

Ran out of vaccine apparently circa 2015 hence why we stopped. Vaccines readily available again.

Ya but we’ve most of the population well covered. Why was Italy or the US not running any BCG program?

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So take vitamin D, have a BCG vaccination, drink gin, don’t eat bats. Anything else?


Put a wee drop of tonic water in the gin. Not too much


Head lice drugs

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No pineapple in pizza

We stopped because it wasn’t deemed necessary any more. Seems short sighted. Dont know why you wouldn’t give it to bw sure

I read somewhere earlier that the vaccine was in short supply.

Can’t speak for Italy, but in the US TB has never been regarded as much of a risk and the vaccine has only been given to high risk individuals.

There’s definitely some kind of correlation there. Korea and S Japan have probably been the most consistent in giving the vaccine, Germany UK France and Spain gave up decades ago, Italy US and Netherlands never had it, and it’s spotty in most developing countries.

Open the pubs

More “striking” evidence has emerged that the BCG vaccine given to counter TB may provide protection against Covid-19 and significantly reduce death rates in countries with high levels of vaccination.

A study of 178 countries by an Irish medical consultant working with epidemiologists at the University of Texas in Houston shows countries with vaccination programmes – including Ireland – have far fewer coronavirus cases by a factor 10, compared to where BCG programmes are no longer deployed.

This translates into a death rate up to 20-times less, according to urologist Paul Hegarty of the Mater Hospital, Dublin.

Their “correlation” study, expected to be published shortly by PLOS journal, is largely a statistical one and comes with caveats because of possibility of confounding factors. But it is more comprehensive than an initial one conducted in New York, which prompted a scaling up of clinical trials on people with Covid-19.

To reduce the possibility of error, the researchers re-evaluated cases during the course of the pandemic and made country-by-country comparisons including between Ireland and the UK, Mr Hegarty said. “We did not expect to see such a marked difference.”

“Over the 15 days, incidence of Covid-19 was 38 per million in countries with BCG vaccination whereas the incidence of Covid-19 was 358 per million in the absence of such a programme. The death rate was 4.28 per million in countries with BCG programmes and 40 per million in countries without such a programme,” he added.

He trained in Houston but continued to work with colleagues there as BCG vaccine is used to treat bladder cancer and reduces its recurrence – another indication it has broader benefits beyond TB.

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