Beekend Wetting

I’ll take your advice so Pukey.

I’ve a small ew punt on ManyRiversToCross in the next in Newbury.


Your money moved him into 15/8 Runt?

3.35 I backed him at B)

Go on tony to fuck B)


Made a few bob on the place.

Seigemaster :mad:


What do ye reckon of Masterminded in the next at newbury…4/6 shot, free money???

Put the 60 you made on Denman on him to bring you up to the tonne.

You’d imagine so.

Ruby said he is going very well at home, but has a lot to prove today.

Would be fierce fond of Voy Pos but he has looked like a spent force at this stage compared to the horse he was 2 or 3 years ago, can’t see anything beating Masterminded if he jumps adequately…

I have my “getting out” stake on MasterMinded @ 4/6.
He’s a cert to lose now.

fuck you runt anyway, I have 90 notes riding on him…My booze money for tomorrow night


Heart in the mouth stuff Puke!!

Some jumping performance from masterminded…

fcking hell he goes and makes a pugs ear of it at the last, very very lucky…

Fuckin hell!!!
What a days racing

Christ that was close.

The price on that accum is fucked now anyways!

Ruby taking the blame for it…7 pound claimer mistake :o

Flying Dustman was a tired second. Funny that Denman fooked up a 40/1 place accum that I had going!