Beekend Wetting


Rocko - any chance you might re-name this place “Irelands Premier Tipping Website” given the exploits of yourself, Puke, The Runt and myself this weekend?


I’m back on an even keel for the day now.
What’s the bet for the Rugby?

I’m on that now. Think that’s a good value bet, I’d be a small bit concerned about the Irish defence (thought we looked shaky last week and Paris can be a nightmare) but expect Ireland to score a couple of tries.

Small interest on the outright win too, not massively confident of Ireland winning but 15/8 is touching generous I think.

Trading at 3.15 on Betfair for the outright win.
That’s mighty tempting. Or possibly a lay of France @ 1/2.

Masterminded is now a 4/5 shot for the Queen Mother…money for old rope…

Ireland/Ireland Double result @ 5.2 looks good to me. I think the only way Ireland will win here is if we are ahead at half time.

[quote=“The Puke, post: 441221”]
Masterminded is now a 4/5 shot for the Queen Mother…money for old rope…
[/quote]Not after that last jump.

It was Ruby’s fault not the horses, jumped like a stag up to that point and looked back to his best today that jump aside


I’m on the overs here so too, gone into 1.8 now.

Did I miss something?
Ireland just jumped out 2.02 now on the overs??

Have Ireland over 16.5 and O’Gara to score more than 9.5 both at around 10/11

It’s all bent, Runt.

I heard that about them alright.

This is not looking good. :frowning:

O’Gara will do well to score 5 more points from the bench!

Well done Mac, great stuff, won at 7/1.


Then you had to go and undo all your good work by putting a 1/7 shot in a treble and for it to go down. Amateur stuff…


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: