Beekend Wetting


Sigh… :wub: :wub: :wub:

No need to keep clogging up the thread with your inane ramblings NCC. Some of us have made some money today and don’t need you trying to ruin yet another thread.


tipping 1/7 losers mate doesnt say much about the quality if the thread- ill have to have words with the voice of Ireland to dumb down his presentation to the wexford gga fans if your anything to go by

I remember when you used to be a quality poster. It’s sad to see what you have turned into. By the way, the horse I tipped returned 7/1 not 1/7, and surprisingly enough for you he won.

I’ll leave this diagram with you to study and hopefully it might have the desired impact

Thank you Mac

Mac the motor boating motgerfucker is aftr cleaniung house here


Move along please…

[quote=“The Puke, post: 441155”]
Well lads any fancies…

Ballyhale 8/13 to beat Newtownshandrum looks decent value…[/quote]

you motorboating son of a bitxch

What a weekend for Puke, Runt, Rocko and I in the betting stakes to go with the previous weeks tips from Mickee, KIB Man, Dancarter and Bandage. This site really enjoys and embarrassment of riches when it comes to posters and their sporting knowledge. With Shannonsider, Hangblaa and Manaboutdog showing a depth of knowledge far beyond anyone else when it comes to Greyhound Racing, and Sid Waddell, Flano and Bandage being Darts experts it means that Club TFK can enjoy a very profitable 2010.

[Coughing Noises]

My apologies CLD - your reputation around here is still scarred by the mixed tape situation but you’re on the road to recovery alright. A few winning UFC tips could bolster your chances.

I don’t think we have set up a section for Novelty Sports yet, but once we do you’ll be first in line for a weekly column.

I regret nothing.

Me and Balloo are on opposite sides about the Valesquez/Big Nog fight.

I’m agreeing with Balloo about Rothwell being good value.

Excellent, thanks Runty.

There is none so blind as he who cannot see…

fuck off

[quote=“The Dunph, post: 441271”]
There is none so blind as he who cannot see…
[/quote]Loose lips sink ships Dunph.

good shout - few on here will ever forget macs 1/7 loser