Betfred Cup Final 2018 ☘

His nickname was Dash ffs.

Look at highlights from 2017 of him burning players in the SPL and Champions League.

Look at how he happens to keep playing against slow defenders at Swansea:

Actually don’t bother. I know how these “conversations” go. Whatever about today and whatever about other attributes he may or may not have had you’re just arguing a nonsensical point here.

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I think you seem to be confusing being a good dribbler with having blistering pace. When you figure out the difference you can come back back to me. He was burned by Considine for pace today after he beat his man, he doesn’t really have the pace to get in behind teams.

The video you have shown is him running at players - he’s a good dribbler, he has quick feet and can drop his shoulder, if he had blistering pace he’d be beating them behind in one on ones like say Forrest does. He doesn’t, he generally tries to sell them a feint or a dummy. The problem for him now is that he has lost a yard of pace and he was never blistering to begin with.

With a dose of humility you might accept you are wrong here.

1 May 2007 · Scott Sinclair: Talentspotter … My pace is my major asset and I’d say I’m the quickest player at both Chelsea and Plymouth


Well that’s a lie, some carthorse from Aberdeen beat him in a sprint today and he thinks he’s faster than a prime Arjen Robben.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

We don’t want your racist inputs here Fanta Pants.

Is this you Bedsit Bhoy?

Disgusting racism from you again Fanta Pants.