Big, Big Month For Celtic - Part II

[quote=“The Puke”]I am surprised that celtc fans would take McGeady’s side…Doesn’t make a difference whether you are a professional soccer player or a labourer on a building site or an office worker, you cannot undermine your bosses position in front of the rest of the staff/players and expect to get away with it, barring the boss lacking any balls or backbone…

I am surprised that Aiden would carry on like that, is he getting a bit in his boots I wonder…[/quote]

true, people look up to ferguson & his hair dryer treatment but when wgs has a small pop mcgreedy flies of the handle & people back mcgreedy- he needs to get a grip -
when he was coming through at Celtic as a teen it was said he was rated very highly at the club & the person that rated him most highly was himself

a bit of humility is needed from him & he needs to get his head down & start delivering

I notice you’ve been calling him ‘McGreedy’ since this story broke NCC - is this cutting terminology?!

Puke, for many supporters McGeady would embody Celtic:

  • Scottish born of Irish ancestry and Irish at heart.
  • Loves and supports Celtic, has done since he was a bhoy and hates the Huns with a passion and never hides that fact.
  • He plays football in the finest Celtic traditions, with skill and flair.

Many people would choose someone who’s Celtic through and through over any manager, even one who’s been successful like Strachan.

I would hope they can sort this out between them. But, while admittedly not knowing the facts, I would choose McGeady over Strachan if I was forced to.


i would like him to stay but he needs to have an attitude change

McGeady’s coach and mentor from when he was a kid, and who features in the McGeady documentary, says this on the huddleboard:

The source of the problem between these two is nothing to do with Scotland or Ireland or Strachan’s personal opinions or relationships with McGeady.

ALL of this turmoil is deeply rooted in the fact that Strachan is trying to, and has always tried to, make Aiden McGeady into something that he’s not and NEVER will never be:

A left winger with defensive aplomb or for that matter a right winger with the same.

The Bhoy is a CREATIVE midfield player - always was and soon will be again. The crux of the problem at the weekend was that Aiden was unable to have an effect wide left and so started wandering inside - Strachan wanted him to hug the line even if it meant being a virtual spectator and freaked out when Aiden didn’t conform (as he probably should have).

The fact that he has won medals and personal awards playing in this makeshift (for him) position is a marvellous tribute to his all round ability.

i trust wgs ahead of a schoolboy coach,

reminds me of when stokes joined sunderland & his coach at st kevins was on newstalk saying wegner didnt know how to develop a player

so he is going to lose the rag with trap as well?

[quote=“north county corncrake”]i trust wgs ahead of a schoolboy coach,

reminds me of when stokes joined sunderland & his coach at st kevins was on newstalk saying wegner didnt know how to develop a player[/quote]

Ah yeah, I’m not at all arguing that he’s more knowledgeable than Strachan in coaching terms, just posting what’s possibly/probably accurate information as to the source of their differences. Surely they can overcome what appears to be a football related argument - he says it’s nothing to do with how they get on personally which is encouraging enough.

true- also he is probably just repeating what aiden thinks- i probably jumped the gun a bit

I have kept out of this debate up to now because I have been trying to deal in fact.

I eventually got in contact with my source within Celtic Park late last night and he believes that we have seen the last of Aiden in a Celtic shirt.

And what’s your source said that’s made you reach this conclusion, dancingbaby?

if thecryingbaby is dealing in FACT its good enough for me

[quote=“Bandage”]And what’s your source said that’s made you reach this conclusion, dancingbaby?


its not me reaching this conclusion. my source, who was present at the dispute, says one of them will have to go and he doesnt think it will be strachan.

when you say your source at celtic park you mean messiloney who is a member here has a source-so its his source rather than your source?

no - i went direct to the source on this one. i can forward you the texts if you wish

I’ll take a direct transcript via the Private Message facility please. Aiden will be fined two weeks wages today. They’ll get on with it for the rest of the season. Strachan will leave in the summer with 4 league titles in a row to his credit and then Aiden can flourish under a new manager who possesses a reputation for playing silky football. Big Sam Allardyce is available.

[quote=“Bandage”]I notice you’ve been calling him ‘McGreedy’ since this story broke NCC - is this cutting terminology?!

Puke, for many supporters McGeady would embody Celtic:

  • Scottish born of Irish ancestry and Irish at heart.
  • Loves and supports Celtic, has done since he was a bhoy and hates the Huns with a passion and never hides that fact.
  • He plays football in the finest Celtic traditions, with skill and flair.

Many people would choose someone who’s Celtic through and through over any manager, even one who’s been successful like Strachan.

I would hope they can sort this out between them. But, while admittedly not knowing the facts, I would choose McGeady over Strachan if I was forced to.


would McGeady still be seen as celtic through and through if he ends up playing for sunderland next season because of a strop he had after a row with a manager who has just won 4 in a row for the club?
i find that hard to believe.

Why in the name of fook would Aiden McGeady want to join Sunderland?

[quote=“Bandage”]Why in the name of fook would Aiden McGeady want to join Sunderland?


Pm’d you there Bandage

as an example, but i wouldn’t be surprised

How did MON get on with young Aiden?

Villa could do with cover out wide. He would get chances in the Cups but MON aint a fan of rotation in the EPL so it may affect his form for Ireland.

Altho it could be argued that he has been a regular for years at Glasgow Celtic and still failed to deliver for his international side thus far.

If NZogbia leaves Newcastle they would be interested. A swap deal with Duff could be a runner. Newcastle is close enough to home. He would want to be insane to join that shambles tho.

Other potentially interested clubs, City, Sunderland, Everton altho they seem more intereted in Stephen Hunt and Middlesboro.

Why do you have a predisposition to comment on all Celtic topics during the day and have a dig?

We get it. You think Celtic are shite. You don’t rate McGeady. You want to blow off MON and Ashley Young.

Leave it there ffs.