Big, Big Month For Celtic - Part II

Apologies KIB Man but saying ‘End Of’ on a few threads won’t eventually make your opinions valid or definitive or even borderline accurate.

Gas stuff.

Completely subjective opinions like the Staunton one are not facts either. They are what they are - opinions.

All I can go on is what I see - Villa lose to teams like Boro and Newcastle and can’t beat Fulham at home.

That more or less indicates that they wouldn’t be a class above Aalborg. Making another subjective comment such as the one about Villa beating them by 3 goals is hearsay. I’m not too sure you’ll progress comfortably against Gillingham either given you lost at home to QPR in the other domestic cup this season.

As I say, I go on what I see. I believe Villa haven’t beaten Manchester Utd in 25 odd games for example. Celtic don’t play them every season like Villa but we beat them a couple of years ago.

I guess that comes with big game experience of playing the top teams in Europe in the Champions League regularly. It’s not something Villa would have any knowledge of.

[quote=“KIB man”]Whats the obsession with Villa again Bandage? I was told maybe rightly I dont know, only a few weeks ago that I had some kind of obsession with Celtic cos I mentioned them on the Villa thread. I didnt bring Villa up here but with the SPL and friendlies all Celtic fans have to look forward to, I can understand the need to get a bit of debate going. Your still failing to answer my questions but again I understand.:wink:

Ya beautiful interview. Hold on whats that thing on the right hand top corner. Is that Celtic TV? Mmm, former club hero being interviewed by club TV’s praises club and lets off a few porky pies to keep Celtic sweet. Of course he had a great time there. An actual quality player playing in a tin pot league. He hacked it up. Would it be embarrasingly naive of me to suggest that just maybe Henke was flying a bit of a kite re a coaching, ambassador role for the club. When Strachan returns to a side fighting releagtion in the EPL I’d say Henke could be given the reigns. He obviously has the fans on board. Freddie Mercury could guide them into second anyway.

Do you watch Fox News too Bandage? Read Sindo? Put up a comical Ali youtube there aswell while you are at it. No better put up the one where Dara Maloney asks him if he still eats Haggis.

Your in danger of going down that road again where ‘Larsson is a god, he says Celtic are great, therefore they are’. You made an ass of yourself then and your in serious danger of doing it again.

Small fish, mammoth pond v Big fish in a dried lake. At least there is life in the pond. Anyway thats the challenge MON faces. A moderately sized fish with scope to grow and improve its way up the food chain. The lake (SPL) is still dry tho.

Over 2 legs Villa would comfortably beat Aalborg by 3 goals. End of. Ye beat who at the weekend Caley Thistle 1-0? We play a side of similar standard Gillingham I think in the cup in a few weeks. Our reserves/youths should beat them easily.

The EPL outside the current top 5 has a lot of teams around the same level. A level ahead of Celtic too I might add. All teams are capable of beating one another with no guaranteed 3 points against any side. There is no Derby this season. Villa as last Sat proved arent so good yet that they can simply roll over other sides in the EPL at ease. That is not the case in the SPL. I’m hoping for a fifth place finish this season where we pull away from the rest and get closer to the top 4. Yakubu and Saha’s injuries are a plus. City bidding for Aguerro, Buffon etc is not. Still we are in pole position.[/quote]

It’s funny how important the league you’re playing in is to you. Were you one of the Villa fans who fucked off in 1987 when ye got relegated? Sorry that’s right, you hadn’t bothered supporting them yet! Hilarious. I’ve no time for Leeds, don’t like them as a club, don’t like their fans but there’s a couple of lads on here who support them and fair fucks, they don’t waffle on about the league they’re in. You sir, are obsessed with the division your team plays in.

The Aalborg/ICT/Gillingham shit is patently ridiculous. I thought Aalborg were shite but they’d a reasonable season in Europe last year (beating Sampdoria for example) and have overachieved again this year. Teams have good days and bad days. The only real baromoter for Celtic against Villa is how they’ve performed against comparable English clubs.

In recent seasons we’ve played the English champions four times (w1, d1, l2), before then it was Liverpool and Blackburn in 2003 and Celtic won both. Unfortunately Villa don’t have a relevant European pedigree with which to compare them.

Oh and pole position in fifth place. Only the most delusional!!!

[quote=“therock67”]The point is (sorry to everyone else who got it the first time) that it’s comically hypocritical to slag off the geographic advantages enjoyed by Celtic when if Aston Villa were a parochial backwater club in any other country in the world they’d have none of this potential you keep telling us about. Villa are nothing but their geography.

Aberdeen winning the SPL will win them a trophy. Villa coming fourth is Villa coming fourth. Get on your open top bus and celebrate the medals that you don’t get for winning nothing.

Soccer is indeed a business. Just find it funny when you whinge about Celtic getting into the CL because of where they’re from. It’s short-term gloryseekers like yourself who probably want the CL to comprise just three or four leagues.

Celtic are a plc, it’s up to individual shareholders to decide whether they want to sell or not. Desmond owns most so up to him I guess. Not sure of the relevance of that.[/quote]

If Celtic is a plc all a prospective investor has to do is buy the shares. Similar to Ryanair and Aer Lingus at the moment. A prospective investor could offer Desmond 10p more than the value of the shares at the moment and he would sell for sure. Dermot Desmond is a foreign owner too is he not (think that was insinuated in your hypermarket bollox argument). So much for your hypermarket speal. Plc’s are disastrous for football clubs too imo. Villa were one before Lerner took over. Thankfully he delisted the club. The last thing you want in the current climate is to have your club left to the whims of the stock market.

I’m not whinging about Celtic in the CL. The minor leagues have to be given a chance. Standard Liege would have put up a decent show if they qualified. Didnt Famagusta beat Inter last week. Lots of the minor leagues are putting up great displays against all odds. Not Celtic though they added nothing to the CL this year. As a casual observer (my team never being there) the CL doesnt get going till the knock outs by which Celtic are well and truly home looking forward to sell out friendlies and testimonials.

I once won a hitting the sliothar into a barrel competition in a field day. I won a fiver and got a medal. Shit maybe I should have got an open top bus. There was a hell of a lot more competition too.

Now I know you love your populations so I’m going to try and venture along this murky way. Liverpool with two established football clubs has a population of less than half a million. Birmingham with a big club, Villa and B’Ham City a nothing club in reality has twice that population approx. Villa have a fantastic youth set up, supposedly one of the best training complexes in Europe, tradition of success, a top manager in the bag. You telling me that they werent an attractive proposition for Lerner to buy. He saw the potential. Why was the Celtic messiah MON interested so?

Short term glory seekers like myself. Another one worthy of an IOTM vote or two. What glory seeking is there in following Villa you tool. If I wanted short term glory I’d follow Celtic and be guaranteed a glorious triumph every year or two. I’ve followed Villa since Ray Houghton signed from Liverpool. Since you love numbers so much you can calculate how long that is. Im 24 by the way. Alex McLeish sees B’ham City as a more attractive proposition that anything in the SPL. Not a ringing endorsement I would have thought.

Long term sustainable glory I’m hoping for Rock and I’m confident that the correct foundations are in place. MON may prove to be our Bill Shankly. Rebuilding a club from its foundations and bringing it to the top. (He will hardly win 3 league titles like Shankly tho.) The next man after him may bring true CL glory like Bob Paisley. Its going to be exciting either way. At least we have hope. What hope have Celtic? That gap is only going to grow and grow. Keep celebrating those medals though. The open top buses, packed testimonials, high profile friendlies. Mmm cant wait for that ‘success’:rolleyes:

KIB I was talking about Leicester City and not Aston Villa as you seemed to somehow think MON’s job at the EPL club was more praiseworthy.
Also let me repeat for you that Alex McLeish was sacked by Rangers. He was not seen as a glorious success like you seem to paint him.
Ever thought of a job with Sky Sports? You seem to think world rotatoes around the EPL. Thankfully the manager of the club you support doesn’t share your narrow mindedness.

KIB Man celebrating the competitive nature of the EPL is akin to Getafe celebrating the achievements of the big guns in La Liga. Gas stuff.

Talk about basking in the reflected glory of other teams. What have Villa contributed to EPL sides’ recent record in Europe? Nothing at all. Yet they merit having a position of looking down on teams whose achievements dwarf their own modest ones? Absolutely not.

Congratulations for being an also ran in the richest league in the world driven by Rupert Murdoch’s billions. Do you expect to be given credit for having a spare 12m to sign James Milner or something?

As an aside, Celtic actually reached the knock-out stages of the Champions League in 2006/07 and 2007/08.

[quote=“Bandage”]Apologies KIB Man but saying ‘End Of’ on a few threads won’t eventually make your opinions valid or definitive or even borderline accurate.

Gas stuff.

Completely subjective opinions like the Staunton one are not facts either. They are what they are - opinions.

All I can go on is what I see - Villa lose to teams like Boro and Newcastle and can’t beat Fulham at home.

That more or less indicates that they wouldn’t be a class above Aalborg. Making another subjective comment such as the one about Villa beating them by 3 goals is hearsay. I’m not too sure you’ll progress comfortably against Gillingham either given you lost at home to QPR in the other domestic cup this season.

As I say, I go on what I see. I believe Villa haven’t beaten Manchester Utd in 25 odd games for example. Celtic don’t play them every season like Villa but we beat them a couple of years ago.

I guess that comes with big game experience of playing the top teams in Europe in the Champions League regularly. It’s not something Villa would have any knowledge of.[/quote]

OK when was the last time someone outside of Celtic or Rangers won the league. I think it was Ferguson and Aberdeen 1985. Villa were European giants back then ;).

Arsenal 0 v Villa 2 .

I saw Celtic play Utd this season twice. They were embarrassing both times. Even more so at home. Decent for first 20 mins score a goal then back to defend the 6 yard box. I would have been thoroughly disgusted if I was a Celtic fan with that. A 1-1 draw was a travesty of justice based on the chances created.
I was pretty disapointed Villa didnt beat Utd there a few wks ago. True we have a dire record against them. I reckon Sunderland are a better side than Celtic and I really dont rate Sunderland.

Do ya want me to insert a Gas stuff comment so. You seem to have put Gas in the last few comments. Check the cooker there it could be leaking.

You still havent answered my questions by the way

[quote=“larryduff”]KIB I was talking about Leicester City and not Aston Villa as you seemed to somehow think MON’s job at the EPL club was more praiseworthy.
Also let me repeat for you that Alex McLeish was sacked by Rangers. He was not seen as a glorious success like you seem to paint him.
Ever thought of a job with Sky Sports? You seem to think world rotatoes around the EPL. Thankfully the manager of the club you support doesn’t share your narrow mindedness.[/quote]

In the seasons McLeish and MON were managers of their respective clubs, McLeish’s record isnt too far behind. McLeish took a SPL side further in the Champs Lg than MON. MON achievements at Celtic are well over rated imo and I wouldnt be the only one to hold that view.

Job with Sky. I wouldnt mind. I reckon I could do the Andy Burton role pretty well. Jeff Stelling is getting older. Richard Keys is shit. I’m sure my West Clare charms could get a few rides out of Georgie Thompson too. I’d prefer Setanta though. The manager of my club, MON did his utmost to leave Celtic to go to Leeds. Therefore how he is viewed in awe by Celtic fans surprises me. The dreadful away record in the CL is primarily his responsibility.

I dont think the world rotates around the EPL. An article about the rotation of the earth for you Larry :wink:

[quote=“KIB man”]OK when was the last time someone outside of Celtic or Rangers won the league. I think it was Ferguson and Aberdeen 1985. Villa were European giants back then ;).

Arsenal 0 v Villa 2 .

I saw Celtic play Utd this season twice. They were embarrassing both times. Even more so at home. Decent for first 20 mins score a goal then back to defend the 6 yard box. I would have been thoroughly disgusted if I was a Celtic fan with that. A 1-1 draw was a travesty of justice based on the chances created.
I was pretty disapointed Villa didnt beat Utd there a few wks ago. True we have a dire record against them. I reckon Sunderland are a better side than Celtic and I really dont rate Sunderland.

Do ya want me to insert a Gas stuff comment so. You seem to have put Gas in the last few comments. Check the cooker there it could be leaking.

You still havent answered my questions by the way[/quote]

Bringing up the respective games with Manchester Utd seems odd. You’ve had a go at Celtic for defending a lead against them when Villa set up with 1 player upfront and set out to defend a draw from the start. That was embarrassing for a team supposedly set to take their rightful place in the Champions League. But not surprising at the same time for a team who loses to Stoke, Boro and Newcastle.

I don’t really have any in-depth knowledge of the workings of Liverpool, Birmingham or London so I’m not in a position to determine whether the level of anti-Irish racism in these places compares to Glasgow or not.

[quote=“Bandage”]Bringing up the respective games with Manchester Utd seems odd. You’ve had a go at Celtic for defending a lead against them when Villa set up with 1 player upfront and set out to defend a draw from the start. That was embarrassing for a team supposedly set to take their rightful place in the Champions League. But not surprising at the same time for a team who loses to Stoke, Boro and Newcastle.

I don’t really have any in-depth knowledge of the workings of Liverpool, Birmingham or London so I’m not in a position to determine whether the level of anti-Irish racism in these places compares to Glasgow or not.[/quote]

they wouldnt- there would be 2 reasons why the anti irishness of glasgow is worse than places in England, one is the shipyards in glasgow - loads of 6 counties huns moved over there at the start of the last century - bringing their bile with them & secondly the presbyterian religion is more staunch than the anglican religion so when the irish moved to glasgow their religion was despised - isnt there some stat saying that in the 1840’s in lanarkshire there was more anti catholic societies than catholics

liverpool would be next worse as there is a lot of orangemen there -

[quote=“north county corncrake”]they wouldnt- there would be 2 reasons why the anti irishness of glasgow is worse than places in England, one is the shipyards in glasgow - loads of 6 counties huns moved over there at the start of the last century - bringing their bile with them & secondly the presbyterian religion is more staunch than the anglican religion so when the irish moved to glasgow their religion was despised - isnt there some stat saying that in the 1840’s in lanarkshire there was more anti catholic societies than catholics

liverpool would be next worse as there is a lot of orangemen there -[/quote]

I read that stat about the anti-Catholic societies in Dr Joe Bradley’s book Celtic Minded alright NCC.

I would say that was the closest there ever was to a hurling team in Mullagh KIB:p…

I was below in Cooraclare the other week, they seem to have fuck all time for ye for some reason…

[quote=“The Puke”]I would say that was the closest there ever was to a hurling team in Mullagh KIB:p…

I was below in Cooraclare the other week, they seem to have fuck all time for ye for some reason…[/quote]

piss off with your stick hurling shit pukey - this is a thread about celtic- there are plenty of gga threads for green orangemen like you to post on

I am disappointed that you would call me a geeen orangeman NCC…I would consider myself very open minded when it comes to the GAA, rugby and soccer…


chill pukey - just wanted to throw the phrase out there

[quote=“north county corncrake”]they wouldnt- there would be 2 reasons why the anti irishness of glasgow is worse than places in England, one is the shipyards in glasgow - loads of 6 counties huns moved over there at the start of the last century - bringing their bile with them & secondly the presbyterian religion is more staunch than the anglican religion so when the irish moved to glasgow their religion was despised - isnt there some stat saying that in the 1840’s in lanarkshire there was more anti catholic societies than catholics

liverpool would be next worse as there is a lot of orangemen there -[/quote]

Thanks NCC. Had a feeling that Bandage, Rock and Larry didnt know the answer.

Liverpool has docks too so there could be the ship building angle again. Spent a weekend with friends there last year for the Villa game. I got the impression that Irish people were welcome. I mentioned the King Over Pope thing and the lads there told me that was a crock of shite. The city is an absolute slum in fairness European City of Culture my hole.

[quote=“The Puke”]I would say that was the closest there ever was to a hurling team in Mullagh KIB:p…

I was below in Cooraclare the other week, they seem to have fuck all time for ye for some reason…[/quote]

It was in a previous existence Puke. One close to the heart to some of the imbeciles on here. A few of the KIB lads were decent hurlers when they were younger. Cant see hurling catching on. God help if someone tries to set up soccer again :wink:

Cooraclare. The Rose of Clare festival was some laugh. KIB are successful, Cooraclare fight relegation. Pretty simple

I thought it was about Aston Villa :confused:


The bar man in the Danganella(sic) bar was telling me about the Rose of Clare festival he said it was some craic and was the event of the year around west clare…

So did I. The housekeeping on here has gone to fuck