Big, Big Month For Celtic - Part II

[quote=“KIB man”]Pascal Chimbonda had a fantastic season with Wigan that is why he was picked. Topped it off by handing Jewell his jersey in the dressing room after the last game of the season and told him he was off. Just the character Roy Keane needed to pair up with Diouf and Cisse but thats another matter. A very decent player when his mind is on it.

Young and Lennon are similar in that they are black, wear bling earings, are quick and play wide in midfield. Thats where the similarities end. Ashley Young can cross the ball equally with both feet is a better dribbler, scores goals and in all honesty is a far better player. The fact that he has an outstanding delivery from set pieces and open play is surely to be applauded. He hasnt been taking the corners recently for Villa. Bit strange that. Barry and Milner seems to take them. Young seems to be positioned on the edge of the box. He takes all the free kicks though and creates chaos with his outstanding deliveries. Also scores the odd one like against Sunderland this season.

Despite bottling a penalty against Arsenal he went on to dominate the game. He tormented Sagna throughout. Won the penalty, created the first goal and was clearly the man of the match. Against United he was still lively enough and was a threat throughout. Not his best performance. He was quite poor against Chelsea but still created our only two chances. A sign of true quality when playing badly he is still a threat. As expected he ran rings around Ajax and Prague.

Anyway I doubt Bandage has ever watched him as it could be deemed as supporting Rupert Murdoch’s enterprises. Probably saw him on that web cam truth be known.

Lennon made a decent impact on the WC in 2006 as a 19 year old. He seems to be coming back to form slowly. Watched a bit of him against Blackburn lately and he was outstanding. If you wanted a similar player to compare him to, I would suggest Aiden McGeady. They both have similar flaws ie, poor decision making in the final third, poor crossing, dreadful goal scoring technique. Lennon can go past a player though as he is far quicker.

Also this is not a slight on McGeady. I’m an Irish fan like everyone else on here (Bandage aside). I hope our seemingly first choice winger (20 caps, 0 goals) is making the most out of his ability. However at 23, the time is surely now for him to start delivering. A lot of his performances for Ireland have been McShane-esque in quality thus far.[/quote]

So Chimbonda is “a very decent player when his mind is on it” and Robbie Keane is someone you “despise” and who “makes your blood boil?” Where’s the consistency son? The guy with the unquestionably superior attitude is deserving of more wrath for some reason.

Interesting you point out that Young can cross the ball equally with either foot, you left out an an adverb to describe the crosses. Was it stretching your threadbare credibility a little too much to say he “crosses the ball well with either foot?”

And Lennon was “outstanding” recently and is similar to McGeady who is “McShane-esque.” I really think you need to take your time more when posting.

I would reject the McGeady/Lennon comparison out of hand as the Donegal man is a proven Champions League player, whereas the latter is a overrated part of a historically underachieving EPL team who don’t play in the Champions League. Much like Ashley Young really.

[quote=“therock67”]So Chimbonda is “a very decent player when his mind is on it” and Robbie Keane is someone you “despise” and who “makes your blood boil?” Where’s the consistency son? The guy with the unquestionably superior attitude is deserving of more wrath for some reason.

Interesting you point out that Young can cross the ball equally with either foot, you left out an an adverb to describe the crosses. Was it stretching your threadbare credibility a little too much to say he “crosses the ball well with either foot?”

And Lennon was “outstanding” recently and is similar to McGeady who is “McShane-esque.” I really think you need to take your time more when posting.[/quote]

Eh because Im Irish and actually support the Irish team (unlike your good self) and therefore care more how the players are playing, their attitudes etc. I really couldnt care less bout Chimbonda. Keane on the other hand is a talented player who plays for a team I care about - our national football team (unlike you) and imo due to some idiotic flaws in his game is not performing for Ireland the way that he should. I think his attitude stinks at times for Ireland too and it is an insult that he is captain of the side due to this. The ‘blood boil’ reference aptly describes my frustration in watching him play for Ireland knowing he could be so much better. If he was genuinely shit I couldnt care.

Cheers for the English lesson in your second point. Here, Ashley Young is an excellent crosser of the ball off either foot. That ok?

Again the third point is taken out of context. Your speciality. Lennon was outstanding the last time I watched him v Blackburn. As clearly stated in my post I believe Lennon and McGeady possess similar flaws in their play. I think McGeady has talent as I have stated numerous times but some of his performances for Ireland have been ‘McShane esque’ in their quality. A point that you or Rock have failed to explain. He has 20 caps and 0 goals for our national team by the way. Then again you probably dont care.

KIB man - i dont want to infringe on your argument here but whats the relevance of putting (20 caps, 0 goals) after McGeadys name? You’ve done it about 3 or 4 times now. Is it to do with a poor goal scoring record? Ray Houghton was a winger, who is known as an Irish legend - how many goals did he score for Ireland? 6 from 73 appearances. Not a lot for the amount of games he played I’m sure you’ll agree.

But a couple of extremely important ones

Agreed, but that has no relevance in the overall comparison Fran. Goals are goals.

Cheers for the edit on the last post KIB Man. I hadn’t a notion what you were on about up to then. Good to know that Aaron Lennon was excellent against Blackburn though.

Wouldnt think they were the same type of player Mac. Although Houghton did score a lot of goals at club level and never transferred it.

Im not expecting McGeady to score in every game but surely he should chip in with the odd one same as the player we shouldn’t mention. For a supposed world class Champions League regular who has battered Barcelona, Donetsk and Benfica it is fair to say I expect him to chip in with a couple of goals. Assists would be more relevant but the only one I remember is the one in Georgia.

The ‘20 caps 0 goals’ is a reference to McGeady’s generally appalling performances at international level.

I don’t support Ireland but I’m pretty sure McGeady has been involved in all 3 goals scored in the latest campaign. A direct assist when crossing for Doyle against Georgia. Breaking out of the box and playing the precision ball over the top with his left foot, which was then worked across to Glen Whelan to shoot from distance for the second goal that day. And drawing defenders towards him on the wing against Cyprus before threading the ball into the roving Duff who jinked past a defender before crossing for the record goalscorer to nod home. Crucially involved in all three ranging from the direct final pass/cross to being an important part of the build-up.

Shay Given was probably involved in all 3 goals too if you go back far enough. You playing six degrees of seperation again

Not the second against Georgia anyway. That came from their corner which was nodded down to McGeady on the edge of the box.

Just tuning into the Daily Huddle on Celtic TV now to celebrate Mark Wilson signing a contract extension.

Magnificent Koki Mizuno interview in English there.

‘English? Really difficult. My English not good. Like Danny McGrain.’

Get him in the first team.

Why not? You like soccer, your from ireland, why not support the national team. Seems a bit peculiar.

partisionist pig

Is every month a big big month for Celtic?

Thats a terrible thing to call bandage.

Personally the only soccerball team i can support are Bohs, like true Irish patriots they don’t recognize the border, that’s why all the other hooftheball teams hate them so much (especially scumrock rovers)

Some laugh out of this lad

Ah, I’d follow the Ireland team but I’d hardly call myself a supporter given I live a 20 minute walk from the ground and I don’t attend games. Not pushed on having a partitionist team and GAA, Celtic and Fair City provide ample outlets for my nationalistic ideals.

Jesus, that reminds me, I’ve been off work for a while and haven’t been watching Fair City. I heard there was murder over a game of holdem.