Bogstandard 🐐 GAA photos

Some of ye weren’t beaten half enough.


The 80s were brilliant. Summer holidays knowing the trip to Disney world was always straight after regatta season



This was the weapon of choice in my day.

A leather toothbrush is it?

That never happened.

For a lot of posters on this thread evidently

Just to clarify the trip to Disney world included the Epcot centre

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Character building .

And so it should .

Was it a determination to ensure all children should enjoy such benefits that made you a socialist ?

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From the general tone of your posts it’s obvious you had a privileged childhood. Your disdain for peasantry is most refreshing.


I have a good heart mate

Why did you become a Tory?

I am not a Tory per se . I hoped they would win the last couple of elections because I have a business interest in England . If that goes I frankly would give a fiddler’s fuck .

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Looking at the way the generations that followed us turned out you’d be grateful for it all.
There are some awful soft fuckers who wouldn’t work to warm themselves floating around in the 18-35 age group.
Do you think that prissy little faggot @glasagusban would be carrying on the way he is if he got a few good batings growing up? Would he fuck


Our upbringing makes us what we are, you gave away a bit of yourself this morning with your tale of domestic abuse and your assumption that it was the norm.

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useless cunts who had everything handed to them, bikes, computer games, everything. I

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The grandparents lived in the house with us as well which was common enough at the time. Room was tight and my mother must have been flat out cleaning but some great memories… the ould lad was flat out working and we rarely saw him but the grandfather was there and he didn’t waste an afternoon. I’d say at age 6 I knew the capital and flag of most countries in the world… I remember the majority of national school being a breeze because of him.


I’m one of the lucky ones who didn’t have a father that beat up my mother or drank his pay check, the 80s were fucking hard where I grew up but nobody knew any different.

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that was a different age, an age of innocence

You are a grown man with 50 pairs of tackies you little prick, what does that say about your upbringing?

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Hard to argue with that tbh