Bogstandard 🐐 GAA photos

It’s funny, I always remember Joe canning scoring against clare a few years back, and thought that the goalie could have stopped it, until they showed it from a camera behind the goal. It was rattling the net before you could blink.

Is Collier a big name in Laois pal? A good friend of the family was the late Fr Sean Collier, a native of Camross. he played for Laois in 40s and was involved in many teams as a manager/coach (Kierans in Kilkenny, Laois u21s, etc)

It would be a big name in Camross. I know the man you’re speaking of. I’d be shocked if Ciaran wasn’t related.

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He wed my parents and christened me. A fierce hurling man he was.

Many camross with laois panel?

Glynn is living the life all the same


He must have some employers I’d say he’s never at work

He’s home so much Ardrahan must be pissed off he isn’t playing with them


Murphy genuinely thinking about toast there.


Take a good long look

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Picture didn’t load.

Click on the white space where the pic should be. :muscle:

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3 Laois Hurlers there too. That set of jerseys must be 15 years old if they’re a day.


Is Morris in Kilruane parish?

Morris is Nenagh. Morgan and Jerome Cahill are Kilruane McDonaghs

I know what club he is, I was wondering if he was in the parish of Kilruane as he went to school there