Bogstandard 🐐 GAA photos

Cahir Healy, Ciaran Collier, Leigh Bergin would start were they there. Sean Downey wouldn’t be far off a starter too. Bergin was vice captain last year and full back/centre back the past few years, and still no more than 23. Collier isn’t much older, mid 20s, he’d start midfield or wing forward, but he just won’t go in these past few years. Downey is currently in America.

Eoin O Reilly is back in Ireland now after travelling for a few years, but he won’t be getting the goalies jersey back off his clubman now.

Cahir Healy would start, but suffered a massive ACL injury earlier in the year with the footballers. He’ll be back hurling next year I think.

PJ Scully dropped off the panel a few weeks ago. Its a pity because him, Cha and Mark Kavanagh were the wunderkids coming up not so long ago. PJ suffered an injury or two, but he’s a Fitzgibbon winner and he has the class.

Bergin is a loss because we don’t have enough proper beards in hurling


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Why did all these lads quit?

Because it’s a thankless life consuming pass time?


Ah no, being a Laois Hurler is full of glamour :smile:

Shur its right there anyway why most of them aren’t there, this new fella is a bit slow I suspect.

Rowland currently 10/1 for an all star. A few points and saves on Sunday and that’ll be well shorter.

Laois will probably get one now alright, but there’s only one goalie slot and plenty candidates. @myboyblue who’s a likely token forward?

It’ll be interesting if they do. There are JMcD All Stars, so in theory, a Laois player would get a proper All Star on just 1-2 Championship games?

I’d love to see the likes of Cha get it, he’s a phenomenal hurler. Failing that, Mark Kavanagh or Paddy Purcell in midfield.

I’d not even considered an All Star. By God.

They’ll have to beat Tipp to get one.

I reckon Rowland is a great shout.

There isn’t another standout candidate, I don’t think. Forwards will be too competitive imo, goalkeeper and corner-back are their best shouts imo.

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Remember, the All Stars are selected by simpletons.

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No one does tokenism like the GAA all stars

10/1 is a great shout. Cyril Farrell has started the campaign these past few weeks, Cyril is beloved by the sorts of lads who’ll be nominating these.

I don’t know Hogan and Quaid both put in good shifts in the Muster Final. Wexford’s lad nailed the big peno the same day as well.

Cyril is probably on the panel himself sure

Its fait acompli so.

As an aside, it seemed to me that he didn’t hit the penalty that cleanly, and was lucky to score, or was that just me? Genuine question.

just you

not sure how you saw it that way? Seemed like he absolutely buried it right into the bottom corner. Hit it perfect.

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Dunno mate. Just didn’t seem to hit it perfectly to me, but like I said, it was probably just me. I was interested whether it was just me, which it was.
Nothing new there.

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there was a fan video floating about after the game of a view from behind. Would settle your doubts if you saw it.