Bogstandard 🐐 GAA photos

About 10 years ago Mrs Pox got all of them for me. Get a new one every christmas. Some great photos usually from pre season competitions.

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This was posted before. I called it then as a fake. It’s still fake.

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I’m pretty sure it was carried in the national media at the time

You’re gonna regret this

Ah well :man_facepalming:t2:

Actually this might be the second time I’ve done this re that photo on here

I think this place has really gone off the batshit crazy charts lately and then I’m reminded it was always thus. It’s just echoing louder of late.

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Someone faked a photo from an NHL game in 1997 in Athenry?

That book could be very thin this year :cry::cry:

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Have you any idea the madness you’ve unleashed upon yourself?

Gas. I opened the link again and noticed a bloke I know of in the crowd, runs Cois na hAbhann in Mountshannon. Someone commented on him there.

I’d say he wasn’t there at all, he was Photoshopped in.

It’s a slow Tuesday. I said I’d roll the dice.

Today is Tuesday

Cc @anon78624367 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


thanks mate


From my own archives:


The cork red really pops in a crowd. Makes it look like it’s all them

I got the head roasted off myself in there more times.

Red faces. I got absolutely scalded down there that day. I think the morning was cool and showery so I had a t-shirt under the jersey and had a pair of heavy jeans on as well. I was sweatin’ buckets in the terrace.

great photo of the bomber and Flynn!! all star tour?