Bogstandard 🐐 GAA photos

That’s the way winners should be treated.

The Guinness truck is on the way to collect

Puma Kings and steak dinners at Treacy’s . Those minors were spoilt rotten from an early age . It wasn’t going to end well

Inter county lads ate some amount of steak back in the day. Tis all chicken now.

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The Treacys special was the making of champions

How is it going these times ???

Thriving again, truckers never left so that was massive. Still a traditional stop off on way home from Croker for many counties too. You wouldn’t get a table of a Sunday without a booking

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Who are they? This looks like a loyalist / UVF photo from the 80s/90s, or something from the gay district of NYC back in the day…


Bernard Flynn and bomber liston?

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Almost reminds me of this photo. Out of context, could be taken the wrong way!

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Flynn is sporting a SERIOUS pair of trunks there. I didn’t think they’d get that much surf in Laytown.

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Fine breakfast sets you up for a match. If he laois boys had it daily they would ne winning double all Irelands and call to split laois in 2


Hard bate that . Even gets ash dust .

Cover of A Season of Sundays 1997 (the first edition of it I think?). That book is lying around somewhere at home.

This was another great one from the same book:

Which book is this? Would be a good one for the sitting room table or jacks. Some great pics there.

A Season of Sundays. They do one every year I think, at least I think it’s still going. Only ever got the 1997 one (dunno why that year tbh, probably because it was the first year it came out).