Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Sure its the same with a mineral.4 or 5 euro for a coke,jokeshop.

And less duty too presumably

Zero duty Iā€™d assume.

Is the incentive still there where a designated driver can get two non alcoholic beverages for free? When I was working pubs fado fado that was there.

BrewDog Nanny State is a nice no alcohol beer
They also do a no alcohol version of Punk IPA called Punk AF but I have not had that one.

Heineken 0.0 is everywhere now. It does make it easier to go to a pub and not drink if so inclined.

Agreed. Especially as it means a better chance of a lift home for the rest of us.


Apparently itā€™s much more expensive to produce

I was in London recently drinking for a day and one of our group wasnā€™t drinking and wanted non alcoholic beer. Three places in a row didnā€™t have any, resorted to buying it in a shop and pouring it under the table for her.

Itā€™s decent to be fair.

I assume the 0.02% alcohol content (or whatever it is) is the reason the duty still applies .

Only at Xmas I think. It was sponsored by Coca Cola so it had to be a Coca Cola soft drink too from what I remember

I think it is duty free. Under 0.5% is I think officially alcohol free.

Anybody remember the Club Shandy in the 80s with 0.1 per cent alcohol


I do. Some lad on a Dublin North GAA trip to London in the 90s drank 6 cans of the stuff thinking heā€™d get drunk and shat all over the hotel room. There was even barry on the ceiling.




:joy: Northside animalsā€¦ Probably from Isles or the likeā€¦ ā€¦


More blanchy direction. The Isles lads would have had proper cans.

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Is any of the alcohol free stuff actually nice? Iā€™ve tried two or three brands and they were not enjoyable.

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Brew Dog stuff is nice but not widely available.

The Heineken 0.0 is not terrible and scratches an itch but hard to drink more than a bottle or two.


Iā€™m deffo a big exponent of personal responsibility but itā€™s like saying Is itā€™s ok for a publican to keep serving drink to a fella even if heā€™s absolutely scuttered, there has to be some duty of care, bookies are bloodsuckers and the more regulation on them then the better it is for society

Itā€™s far worse than that I think.

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