Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Seems to be nonsense, stand down


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Ben Keith of Star Sports getting the digs in at Betfair although a bit harsh I think. Markets are suspended now.

His rant was totally out of context and unfair in fairness. Airing a personal grudge there it seems.

He hasnā€™t a pot to piss here. He thought theyā€™d just put the market up and when he realised he was wrong he simply couldnā€™t admit it so he went off on some tangent. Isnā€™t he well known for laying off bets on betfair anyway?

Must watch this later itā€™s meant to be good. Barrys bismark has uploaded the documentary from 1998 called ā€˜Bookies Never Loseā€™

Ivan Yates would disagree

Itā€™s brilliant when he was describing his lifestyle of 15yrs there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Gets up 9am has light breakfast of tea and toast
Two hours drive to race meeting somewhere
Doesnā€™t eat or drink all day
Leaves track at 5pm and takes 2hrs to make it back to stand at Romford dogs by 7.30pm
Home by 11.30pm and the wife knew that every night sheā€™d to have a steak on the table, pounds and pounds of chips, two fried eggs, six slices of bread and butter, a bottle of scotch, and a bottle of lemonade
Then bed and repeat the next day

After 15yrs of this he felt unwell one night at 3.15am and went to the doctor the next day. Doctor asked him to explain his lifestyle, when he told him the doctor said to get out that he was pulling his leg. He says heā€™s changed that lifestyle now and only takes one egg at night instead of two. :grinning:


Iā€™ve been doing some house keeping This morning and Iā€™ve been stonewalled by William hill. They want me to transfer my money out via bank draft as opposed to using the bank card I deposited it with. Itā€™s only 418 euro but I donā€™t see why I should be forced to do this. Is it possible to transfer it to a revolut Account or something?

Why are you being so troublesome, just do as you are told.

I think this is your 9th reply to me in 24 hours. Youā€™ve an awful obsession with me.

I love you.

I had the same problem with them,they can be difficult alright. You should be able to transfer to your rev account but it depends how much you deposited with that account. Email them and send proof of a/c number, id, recent transactions etc as if you were setting up an account.

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Cheers Iā€™m useless at this sort of the thing. Iā€™m nearly tempted throw in on yankees for Cheltenham. Be great to take them for six figures after refusing to allow me take out my own money.

Whatā€™s the big deal about taking a draft? Is the account in your name?

I want the money going back out through the card. It is surely fair.

I think the Bar One shops will be ā€œopenā€ from next week.

Counter inside the door for people to collect winnings from bets before the lockdown or topup online accounts. They can hand out the coupons for the soccer but wont be taking any bets. All bets have to be placed on phone/online.

No punters allowed in the shops.

Thatā€™s just silly in my opinion.

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