Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Call them out on twitter

Have they given any reason for rejecting them?

They are saying I’m signature on my bank card isn’t clear enough which is bizarre.

Throw it up there so we can judge this critically


Make a complaint using resolver and you’ll get sorted I’d say. I’ve used it before and it worked for a different company. Just enter Unibet in the box.


I’ve seen a few ads on twitter for this crowd. Seems an amateur enough type of set up. Would you be sure of getting your money out after a few wins!

He’s a registered on course bookmaker with Revenue anyway.

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Hard see how they’d compete with powers etc. Or would they be after lads restricted with them… That would be madness though would it not. But otherwise why would anyone bother betting with them!

He was hardly the guy buying up on course pitches last year? Handy for a crew trying to wash a bit of money

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He’s going Evens on both the + and - on the Gaa handicap betting . 14/1 the draw then.

Powers as an example.

He takes Revolut I see :grimacing:


Hmmm he’s looking for volume rather than profit so

This forum has experts on everything. There would hardly be a fella on here working in anti money laundering…

€20 minimum bet

Money laundering most likely

Spent the whole day on to them.

A friend of mine asked him for a double on the GAA. Was the alternative handicap markets and he came in at a better price than 365.

365 were going 2.83/1 and Delaney was going 3.1/1

Hmmmm phone betting job is it?

Yeah message him on WhatsApp.

Seems legit :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
