Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Heā€™s really goading somebody smart to come in and clean him out.

Tomā€™s fuckin right

That explains Toms tipping for the last 5 years

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He cashed out :see_no_evil:


Last one was well-backed into fav too

Cashed both out??


How much was he sitting on with the 4 winners in the E.W lucky 31 before the last ran .
I deffo wouldnā€™t have cashed out.thatā€™s a once in a lifetime bet

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Christ above, heā€™s gone full circle now

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Another poor crowd of bookies that will be riding around on bicycles :disappointed_relieved:

It was like going to war back in the day.


I landed a nice touch earlier. A double on two horses at 4/1 each. Placed the bet in boyles and when i went to collect they paid out the first horse at 7/2 saying the bet was placed 31 seconds after the price changed. I queried this as i was waiting for them to take the bet. They rang head office and after a twenty minute wait said the bet was 26 seconds late and they would only pay the 7/2.
Is there anywhere to check the times of price changes with boyles. The horse in question was Air valley lad in the 2.33 at wetherby.

Online gambling killed bookies. Once they had the volume there was no need to take a risk.
Iā€™d say if you stood the head of horse racing for some of the big bookies inside in a ring and told them to make prices they wouldnā€™t have a breeze