Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

forget about a solicitor, bookies can’t be taken to court for not paying out and a bet isn’t a contract.

Go the publicity route. get on to the local paper, get on the radio, give them as much bad publicity as you possibly can. Stand outside the shop with a sign.

They are dirty, rotten cheating bastards.

You’ll need to work for the money

I’ve seen similar before - so called non related bets on a world cup that were taken because of “palpable error”

the same man made the particular betting shop managers life a living hell until he got a settlement


Also tag the likes of david jennings, and johnny ward

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What is the actual reason being given for calling it a loser?

They are saying it is an 8 timer and kk were a looser.

Go down the PR route on Twitter and shame them. Tag the lads @fenwaypark mentioned and anyone else who covers GAA in the Racing Post or on any betting website

What’s the second and sixth selections?

The one underneath Cargin looks like an American Football team?


Australian Rugby League I’d say


Apologies lads yes it was six gaa and the one under cairgin was the penrith panthers the nrl final. I am approaching a few media outlets now.

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What’s the one under the one crossed out?

Is that Tipp or something?

EDIT - Must be Roscrea

Looks to me that when the docket went through, it obviously included Kilcormac and is now being scanned as a loser.

Best of luck but don’t fancy your uncle’s chances tbh.

A few free bets might be thrown your way to soften the blow.

Hope I’m wrong

Roscrea yes.

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But it should not have, as it was crossed out. Its human error on bookmakers side if included.


Agreed but it obviously didn’t recognise it as a “cross out”.

When you see some of the scribbles some people approach a betting counter with in order to gain an edge, bookmakers are always wary.

That’s clearly not the case in this instance but I’m just saying you’ll have a job proving it.


In a million years i would not look to be paid out on a selection if i crossed it out and they won. I have been advised to go the ibas rule before i go on the media. It will be a long process this way. I will see what happens.

Does IBAS cover Ireland?

Yes it covers Ireland. A lad i no is an odds complier is very confident Ibas will rule in his favour. He said without going this route it could backfire. I really appreciate the replies.


Best of luck.

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all the best, keep us updated

will do

Make a complaint using Resolver.

I used it a few times and got paid.

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