Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Thanks Copper. I will look in to it.

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My two cents @larmister - I found the bet hard to read I couldn’t decipher all the selections so if it was a young girl inputting it she certainly wouldn’t have figured what all the eight selections were. Besides that after careful analysis and maybe a lean from the customer (your uncle) they would have the tools to go back and retrospectively say ok yeah that was Penrith Tigers and yes they were 1/4 at that time for Saturdays game or whatever. If their only point of contention is that the scribbled out selection was a loser then it’s a tenuous excuse. Now in their defence you’d have fuckers trying all sorts and someone might faintly scribble out a selection ambiguously enough to claim it either way after the event but your uncle obviously doesn’t seem the sort and the local shop staff should recognise that he’s been a trustworthy client over the years. Personally I would try IBAS too I guess but he should stand his ground on this and with enough persistence he should get paid out. If he hadn’t scribbled that selection out he probably wouldn’t be in this position, I’d always start a new docket if I made a mistake, but look it shouldn’t be a hanging offence. Would be worth PMing some of the betting journalists like Johnny Ward, Jennings, maybe Rory Delargy first to see if they’d like to publicise it but they may not want to get involved in every dispute, granted your uncle feels hard done by here. Would go nuclear only if IBAS don’t help positively. Best of luck with it.


Many thanks for the reply Smark. Yes he would not be the best writer but he when he done the bet he stated clearly were they happy all the selections were correct before it was placed. All the other selections were classed as winners according to boyles just the crossed out selection was a looser. I agree that the best thing would have been to write out a new docket. The black line stands out more on the original docket even. I agree with you that there is chancers that use the scribbling out to try a stunt. That’s why i prefer the online as you see exactly what you have. The thing is this man has punted in the shop twenty years and is as honest as they come and they were very dismissive and very blunt and ignorant about it. I would have no hesitation going to the people mentioned on twitter down the line. I took advice from a man who worked in a bookies for years and is extremely confident Ibas will rule it as a winning bet, I am not so sure myself. The real problem with Ibas is it could take up to six months to get back with a verdict. Again thanks for your reply.


Coming from someone who had 12 years shop experience they are a completely cunt acting with this bet, the selection is clearly crossed out and it must have been some right clown who took an antepost bet for a 150 stake and didn’t give it a quick once over(leave that with me while I double check those prices for you) that’s rotten.


The bookies are clearly acting the Cunt but I have rarely seen worse writing, especially for a €150 bet.


:sweat_smile: from what I can I see the punters are much worse than the bookies. Obviously not in this case but on a day to day basis they deal with some load of crap.

I cant argue with the writing at all. If they did not interpret one of the selections i could understand but they have said there is seven winners and a looser.

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There might be some clause they have that says if it’s committed to paper and readable (despite a line drawn through it) that the selection stands, in order to have consistency against chancers half squiggling out something and saying “oh I changed my mind half way through sure that’s not a proper scribble” etc. I can’t believe your uncle is 20yrs betting with them honestly and is not taken on trust here. Overall agreed that it is very lousy. Personally I’d die roaring rather than roll over on this. Would cause all sorts of bad press for them and maybe tie myself to a railing inside there for a finish.

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Bookies are scumbags shocker

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@larmister - next time get him to use one of those machines in the shop so the poor unfortunates don’t have to decipher his writing

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Cant argue with the writing Mac but one time the staff would take time to make sure the selections were inputted correctly. Never any issues taking bets in and money taken. Not as simple paying out as i no from experience. I don’t think he has ever used the machine tbh. Numerous times before he has done similar bets and always asked were them prices ok etc. The reply was yes but they never bothered checking. The first thing one of the staff asked when he went to collect the winnings was are they all horses. Staff in this shop have absolutely no interest in either racing or sports betting as far as i can see.

No he will go the full hog with this. As i said the worst of this is they basically accused him of cheating in front of a lot of customers at the time.

Tries the resolver route and Boyles got back today. They said it that the bet was settled on the 8 selections clearly written on the bet slip. Again like the shop and retail manager absolutely no comment or recognition of the clear black line crossing out the selection. Gone to Ibas now.

Honestly, its a joke. You can be sure that if the crossed out bet was a winner they would have claimed it was crossed out and so void.


Agree totally @fenwaypark. A long battle ahead.

Hi Eddie,

Our regional manager Enda Carey has spoken to you directly regarding this matter.

Enda explained that the bet has been settled based on the 8 selections clearly written on the bet-slip, and that you have provided no reason why the bet-slip handed up at the counter at the time of bet placement would be different than what was entered on our system.

Please take this as our final response to your complaint - should you wish to pursue the matter further externally you can contact IBAS, who are an independent ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution Provider), and we will outline our position accordingly if requested to do so.

Their contact details are as follows:

That is all he has heard from the start. Deafening silence when the scratch out is mentioned.

I would definitely post it on twitter and tag David Jennings, Johnny Ward and the bookmaker. Your uncle would get his winnings within a couple of days.


Does the bet not have a line through it on system?

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Tag @AKBets87 and @JohnnyDineen also.


He asked to see it on the system but they refused.