Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

They are playing silly beggers so. Post that on twitter tonight and tag all those lads myself and @Copper_pipe said. It will go viral pretty quick.


AKBets would be a good one, given that heā€™s a bookie who rails against other bookies


I appreciate that Fenway but was advised to leave it to Ibas for a bit and if that fails i will cut loose on line. The good has been taken out of the bet for him now and just feels they are making an utter mug of him. I agree with him.


6 months is a long time. The returns lose value.

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They want people to give up.


This one will be fought out to the bitter end.

The lads working with AK Bets are past employees of the bookmaker in question. Why not DM ak bets and get his take. Can do no harm.

Will do. Thanks.

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One of the lads is ex rovers and a sound skin


They are even ex Boylesports employees is my understanding so better again given the company involved here.


I know a trader in Powers. Iā€™ll see what he thinks.


Iā€™m a little confused if the
8 selection was a related bet and thatā€™s why it was scratched out the bet canā€™t be a loser ? Surely itā€™s void or a winner.

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The related part is a funny one. The online would not let him combine ballyhale with kk so he decided to cross out kk to be safe. I discussed this with an odds complier and he told me that even though an online will not let certain selections not be combined in a selection shop will. I am not so sure on this personally. The bottom line is he crossed out kk for two reasons. 1 in case It was related and cause a problem if it won and secondly they were not worth the risk at the price. They are stating clearly that there was seven winning selections and one looser. They state that in the resolver response which he got today. My gut feeling knowing the staff in this shop was that they bet was not processed correctly at all. They asked were they all horses the Monday morning he went to collect.


Iā€™d be amazed if youā€™re not fully paid up itā€™ll just take time tbh.

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Assuming thatā€™s what it looks like on the slip that was scanned into their system, itā€™s definitely a 7 fold and should be discounting the marked out selection.


Yeh was chatting a lad high in powers and he said the same. I no a racing journalist that knows Leon Blanche fairly well and is going to drop an email. Doesnā€™t like bad publicity. Many thanks for all the replies and help. I will keep you posted.

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Heā€™s gone from Boyles

Heā€™s a dose also - couldnā€™t imagine him facing up to John Boyle

I didnā€™t no that. I will try some of the twitter links mentioned here.

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Give these ones a try as well