Bosnia v Ireland & Ireland v Bosnia

Something like these, yeah?

That’s a disgraceful slur… I was at Ireland v Australia in Thomond Park

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Salmon shirt and slip on brown shoes to go with them.

good to hear Quinn is injured
Flying to Belgrade via LHR with JAT airways, stay 1 (one) night Thursday
Bus Belgrade - Sarajevo 0600- ETA Sarajevo 2pm Friday
Sat Bus 0800 - Sarajevo Belgrade, will enjoy vistas of the Drina River and the Bavarian Alps, taking care to deposit my passport in the correct bag when the armed soldiers get on the bus at Zvornik
arrive Belgrade 4pm - drink and examine possibility of getting to see my beloved Red Star in the Marakana, spend time in strip clubs
Sun 1000 home via LHR

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With Shane Long not fully recovered yet and Jon Walters suspended for the first leg, it did my heart good to read that Slab Murphy banged in a hat-trick today. I expect him to start in Zenica on Friday night.


Rob Eliott seemed to play well today, might be second choice now?

Good game but he had a fair slice of luck too. He’s also quite fat.

Which means he’ll fill most of the goal.

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Very pessimistic about this, reckon Bosnia with the help of Allah are going to rip MON’s defensive system apart.

To lose O’Shea, Walters and Long for the away leg is a disaster. Hope I’m wrong but I’ve a bad feeling about this tie. That last game away against Poland has convinced me that O’Neill is nothing but a fucking cunt.

Ireland trained today but O’Shea, Long, McShane, Judge and Elliot remained in England for now and are having their injuries assessed by their clubs.

I watched the Rome derby yesterday and Dzeko was absolutely fantastic. He’s bang in form now after being injured during the last international break in October.

is there a Bosniak in the SS Nazio side also admin?


Cant see this ending up than anything more than a good thumping

how dd he play yesterday nembo?
if we’re going down the route of Glenn Whelan trying to pick up Pjanic we’ll be in for a long night.
im not overly pessimistic re: Dzeko, we did manage to really contain that horrid cunt Leandowski in Dublin and the krauts (albeit with atrocious finishing and a lot of luck)
conditions here will be horrid the welsh fans forum have told me but that will suit us, our lads are used to playing in inustrial backwaters, the weather worries me a little, i was hoping for that rotten balken November weather that the Syrians refugess allegedly face and that Arkan and Mladic marched men to their deaths from Prijedor in 1994… however the weather friday is 22C and 6C night day with clear skies, this is not good for us
if we get a 1-0 defeat ill take it, we will not score a goal, take that as fact… this could be a 3/4 nil defeat tho

They have a vastly superior team alright. I’m not sure we have a single player who’d get into their team. Coleman probably, though he hasn’t a great campaign for us.

id agree with that, but so did Poland / germany i suppose, altho if this is what im seeking solace with then we are possibly doomed

He was alright, should have been sent off - Salah had to be stretchered off after a shocking challenge by him and he had a number of other fouls. He’s a good direct runner but we should be able to handle him. I agree about Pjanic, he has been scintillating this season and could well destroy us on his own. Pjanic will also be in the referee’s face at every given opportunity. We need to sit McCarthy right in front of the defence, have him smash Pjanic coming through the middle a few times.

If Brady is at left back, I wouldn’t give us much hope - we need him in midfield. Think I would go with the following side:






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Yeah. Difference in class to Poland’s midfield though. They had a couple of average enough midfielders and another 1 or 2 Polish based journeymen. If Bosnia get a lead they could keep the ball all day.

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id agree with that again, the Polish back 4 as well was all over the shop, they’re a very average side the more i think of it (poland)

Have we no other option here?