Boxing II

My scoring was very similar to this. I know watching it objectively made me a begrudging cunt but i had it 97-96 Serrano.

Serrano Rounds - 3,4,5,6

Taylor Rounds - 7,8,9

10-10 Rounds - 1,2,10

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Thatā€™s the way it looked to me. I had Serrano winning 2 as well. 7 was a tie.

I think nearly everyone gave Taylor Round 1. Even the extremely biased commentator they had on. At one stage he did say another of their colleagues gave Taylor all 3 first roundsā€¦ Goes to show how close it was. I think she landed way more in round 10.

A judge gave Katie round 5.

It was Tony Bellew who gave her the first 3. She definitely won the first round.

I thought it was a bit bizarreā€¦ She deffo didnā€™t win round 3.

I thought she won the first 2 and the last 4 but very close in all of them.

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I thought Serrano was far busier and the one coming forward in the opening round .

There was no more than a round in it either way in my opinion.

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To be honest the first Delfine Persoon fight was more controversial than last night.

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Thereā€™s no way Katie deserved that decision. Even if you scored it even, she was walking backwards for nine rounds.

I see the lads who stayed up all hours of the night to support and shout for Katie are misogynists now

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It would be highly unusual for any judge to score three rounds even.

You clearly have absolutely no clue in all fairness to you.

No, I think she clearly won 6 rounds, Serrano clearly won two, and you could argue the remaining two either way. Taylor clearly won the fight, anyone with any clue could see she won more rounds. Look over the timeline of the fight, Taylor controlled and landed cleaner and better shots for the first and last three, while Serrano had a really strong period in the middle of the fight. Over the course of the fight Taylor clearly won the beginning and final third.


Ochigava :smiley:

If you ever grow up and watch it back, youā€™ll realise youā€™re just a fanboy.

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Fellas still arguing over two women pucking the heads off of each other.


Arguing the toss over judges decisions in the most bent sport ever to exist :joy: