Boxing II

none of those little shits would draw flies to shit. BJS has never sold a ticket in his life. Kinahan keeps them all fed and watered.

Frampton and Conlan are the only two Irish fighters that are a gate attraction in any way.

The likes of McKenna wouldnā€™t be a professional fighter without MTK.

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A long read but a good read if you missed the panorama last night.


This is nothing new for boxing though is it,

The only difference is Kinahan seems to have put his name front and centre.

I refuse to believe criminal elements are involved in boxing


There were also some scurrilous and heretofore unchallenged allegations against FOTF Gerry Hutch.

Gerry, if youā€™re out there, thereā€™s a lot of support for you amongst the plain people of Ireland. Keep the chin up and all the best for 2021.

Stay safe and keep your distance.
He/him. Vote NO. :mask: :rainbow: :rat: :coffin: :pill::gun:

Ignore this Gerry; keep the head down.


Whatā€™s he getting at @Copper_pipe?

McGuigans daughter died of cancer in 2019.

Thatā€™s pretty cuntish.

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Fucking hell, what a prickā€¦

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Billy Joe Saunders and his double entendres

Saunders seems like a nasty piece of work


Saunders is a wanker and thatā€™s a horrible comment but thereā€™s a reason McGuigan is utterly despised in boxing circles.

Have you seen the video, think it was posted here, of Saunders offering the crack-whore Ā£10 to suck his dick and then driving off?

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why is McGuigan unpopular?

Heā€™s a crook

I wasnā€™t really following the court case. What was the story with the deleted messages? I take it that Frampton had an early agreement with them over money and they just decided they didnā€™t like it going forward and tried to delete the evidence?