Boxing Thread

He dropped in my estimation after the shite i just witnessed.

I’d fancy your chances Ss.

That was shockingly bad.embarrassing.There are amateur boxers in lower weight divisions in Ireland that would batter Flintoff.

About the only shot your man threw upstairs floored him :lol:

I’d say he apologised after it

I would have loved to see his corner after that round. I’d say they threatening to dump him in the river.

Ye do know the background to the fight lads yeah? The big lad is an ex-cricketer and has been training for 4 months for the telly. Were you expecting Gatti Ward Mach II?

What’s the other bum’s excuse?

He can’t fight either :strokechin:

This fine thread has being badly sullied by this whole sorry episode really, it should not be spoken of anymore.

Part of Sky’s report on the flintoff “fight” below :lol:

The win was the perfect response to critics including promoter Frank Maloney, who said the fight would “shame the fight game”.

No I was expecting it as it happened, but I had hoped your man would put him down as soon as it started. Poor boxing it should be the greatest sport of them all, the great leveler, doesn’t matter where your from etc, it has descended into farce, long before tonight unfortunately

I’d agree with that-criticising their technique is like laughing at a pig for grunting though.

harry knows the score.

Flintoff had 300 rounds of sparring and never suffered a knockdown! Who was he sparring with??

I’ve just look at a few clips of this on YouTube. Flintoff’s footwork is akin to that of a new born deer. Also, Barry McGuigan has to be one of the biggest pricks to ever be born in Ireland.

Mainly bums and with headguards-the programmes are reasonably interesting more in relation to how far proper trainers can take a lad off the street with no previous boxing training but it is the x-factor of boxing. Hopefully Flintoff won’t fight again as he comes across as an alright sort and he could get seriously hurt if he fights anyone above bum level.

Super result for one of England’s greatest sportsmen. He is Blighty to the core and It’s that fighting mentality that got us through the blitz.

Well in Freddy.

The mods should put the last 3 pages of this great thread in the things that are wrong thread,barry mcguigan disgraces himself again what a fuckin tard he is

Tyson Fury has just scored a unanimous points victory over Kevin Johnson. That’s another step towards him possibly becoming the first Irish World Heavyweight champion since Jack Dempsey.