Boxing Thread

same as that bandage

I disagree Kevin. Sturm, with maybe exception of the 10th and 12th, was completely outworked. It was only in the last quarter of the fight he began to control the centre of the ring. Macklin consistently pushed him back for the first three quarters of the fight and he outworked him, Sturm’s failing was he didn’t make Macklin miss, he didn’t make him look bad, he didn’t make him look crude, awkward or desperate - and when you don’t do that to a guy who is outworking you and controlling the centre of the ring then you are in serious bother.

The integrity of judges calling fights involving German fighters and in extension, German based fighters, at home, is a matter of much debate. I don’t think I’m being biased here, for me, Sturm got outworked the vast majority of the fight and he didn’t do enough in terms of quality or in terms of making his opponent look poor, to win.

Macklin gave it a good shot, pity he couldn’t add the world title belt to his South Tipperary U14 rural hurling winners medal.

Was it Killenaule he hurled with?


As good as anywhere…

Macklin claimed in his post fight interview that German TV had him winning the fight by 4.

the so called boxing fans on here are frauds…

Ireland win a world titel last night but little or no comment here

well done Paj- KOH

Ah thats it so, no doubt he was robbed. FFS Totti, leave it off. :rolleyes:

If he gets his re-match, which he was offered straight away i believe, he’ll be stopped. There is a clear gulf in class and i think the German will be even better prepared. Thats the first time Macklin has punched for 12 rounds.

Kevin, you didn’t even see the whole fight. Maybe you should leave it?

Sturm got a home decision, to have him winning by four rounds was quite frankly ridiculous, according to Macklin both the American TV and German TV had him winning by 3 and 4 respectively. I’ll wait for this to be verified but you have admitted to not seeing to whole fight so it’s outrageous for you to contemplate being a higher authority when calling this fight. Your reasonings on Sturm winning are mealy mouthed at best. I have given my reasonings for Macklin winning, I have stated the factors why and I will reiterate them again.

Macklin outworked Sturm consistently for the whole of the fight, he controlled the centre of the ring for the majority of the fight. Sturm failed to make Macklin look crude, awkward or desperate which is extremely important for a fighter who is not controlling the fight. It was Macklin who bossed the fight, it was Macklin who got the style of fight he was looking for, who got the tempo he was looking for. These are the most important factors in scoring boxing matches and Macklin came out on top in everyone of them. There is a massive difference in blocking punches and dodging them.

If the German TV did, like Macklin said, score the fight by four rounds to him then that really tells you all you need to know. Of course your opinion is our more value despite not even seeing the whole fight. :rolleyes:

Why would a rugged and tough fighter like Macklin be stopped by someone like Sturm whose KO record is very flimsy? Another bizarre statement by you Kevin, which leads me to conclude you know very little of what you claim to.

The very vast majority of people disagree with you. I have watched the whole fight this morning on You Tube. Agree there wasn’t 4 rounds in it, there was 3 on what i saw, to Sturm, but someone else could say 5. Maybe the judges were a bit taken by Sturm finishing rounds the way he did at times, but this is poor basic tactics from Macklin, showing well near the end of rounds is important. You seemed obsessed by work rate, and this is really whats showing you up. Even some of the rounds i would give to Macklin with his body work Strum was hitting him with very decent jabs and knocking him back. Macklin % of punches hit was poor from watching it (not aware of stats)

I disagree with a big part of the bolded part. You have to know what you are looking for from the judges. And if you knew Sturm you’d know that he fights this way alot, and fighters often look busier. Home Town helps, don’t get me wrong, but to say Macklin won that fight is a little more than ridiculous no matter if you boxed, didn’t box, watch fights all the time, whatever. Strum was the winner fair and square and Macklin is doing himself no favours quoting TV stations. The most biased of all is Sky FFS and British commentators in general. The funny thing was people, especially you it seems, listen to what the commentators are saying too much. Watching the first few rounds you’d swear listening to the Sky lads that the fight should be stopped such was Macklins dominance, when it was far from that pronounced.

I’m not attacking your knowledge unlike you, i’m just disagreeing with you strongly.

This is how i had it.
1 - Macklin
2 - Macklin
3 - Sturm
4 - Sturm (would accept some saying draw, but still thought Sturm had better quality)
5 - Sturm (same as above)
6 - Macklin
7 - Macklin (but a draw wouldn’t be a surprise)

All the others i had for Sturm. Macklin hit so much pads and elbows, you can’t give a fight on work load alone, or a round for that matter.

I agree Kevin, you can’t win a round for work load alone. But that’s not what Macklin was doing, he was putting his market on the fight, controlling the centre of the ring, putting relentless pressure on Sturm and dictating the tempo of the fight and the style of fight. Sturms so called 'quality was only showing in brief glimpes (apart from the 10th and 12th) and you can’t be nicking rounds by 30 seconds of activity. I watched it again yesterday morning, I had all the first six rounds to Macklin, his gameplan was working, he swarmed Sturm, was first to let his punches off, driving him back effectively. Sturm showed very, very little in those first six rounds. Your argument seems to be based around the word ‘quality’ Kev. I would like you to be more transparent on what constitutes quality, in your eyes.

The thing with fights is scoring can be very subjective. But there are a number of factors judges usually take into account.

Workrate/aggression. (Macklin gets the nod here hands down)
Control of the ring (Macklin hands down)
Control of the tempo/style (Macklin again by a long way)
Efficiency/quality. (I’d give Sturm the advantage here)
Damage. (Even enough, Sturm had his eye cut and a bloody mouth along with a very reddedned left ribcage, Macklin had some swelling on his cheeks)
Defence. (Sturm by a comfortable margin)

Defence would be the least important of those factors. Macklin’s control of the fight coupled with his work rate effectively meant that Sturm would have to have been causing either serious damage with his punches or making Macklin look very poor. He did neither. Macklin won rounds decisiviely. I’m really surprised how you can pick Sturm in 3 of the opening 6 rounds Kevin, they weren’t even close. Macklin was applying serious pressure and the fight was perfectly working as I’m sure he planned it - Sturm looked extremely uncomfortable and the atmosphere in the stadium reflected that.

I can confirm that German TV (Sat 1. I think it wasn) gave the fight to Macklin. They also had a viewer poll which also gave it to the Irishman.

Lennox Lewis on twitter also gave it to Macklin.


Look Totti we’re not going to agree, at all. By quality by the way i mean the cleaner sharper, more powerful shots which were hitting the button far more cleanly. And how you can’t admit Sturm easily won round 3 makes you look silly Totti.

By the way defence would be rated well above work rate Totti, way way above it.

Sturm did not win round 3 easily Kevin, if anything it was the other way around. And defence would be the least important aspect when scoring fights - you can’t win fights with a defence - you can only put limitations on the damage you take. You win fights by forcing the issue and hurting your opponent. The most important aspect of the fight - ring generalship - Macklin bosses, he negated Sturm’s most effective weapon, the jab, and he was the fighter who bossed the direction in which the fight went and backed that up with persistent aggression and work rate.

Ok, ya.

Anyone have an opinion on Haye/Klitschgo? I am thinking of putting in a decent Lay of the Russian here, he looks too short. Haye’s a dick but is well capable and I don’t think the odds reflect his chance

what time will this fight start at approx?

some fookin hype over it…

sometime between 10 and 11 p.m