Breaking News- China

They’re only checking out the weather. Nothing for anyone to worry about.

The Chinese cavemen ahead of the curve again

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That’ll burst their balloon

Why would they use a balloon anyway, sure they’d have no control over it? Have they no satellites?

To be obvious

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Sure they have all of the country filming each other for them on tik tok.

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and it’s gone…

After it had dropped Hunters Coke

Joe Biden 1
China 0

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Biden is a security threat, the democrats better hurry smearing him and getting him out

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To be fair Trump would have sorted this out in a few minutes

Russia and america used to have a mutual agreement that allowed spy planes. It makes sense- let the other side see that you’re not about to launch a missile…

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Trump did nothing when China flew spy balloons over the US.

So what are we not supposed to notice while we’re all staring at the sun? Is it the blood clots, the massacring or the laptops?

It’s a new way of delivering chicken balls and fried rice


Ffs. Just when @Malarkey came out from behind the sofa