Breaking News- China

Calamity Joe

Looks like this potential world war 3 threat has sort of fizzled out again.

Funnily enough china doesn’t want to be turned into nuclear glass

Great bunch of lads the Chinese.

:cn: :zap:Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu has been removed from his post, Chinese state media reported.

Western publications wrote about the “disappearance” of the minister in September; they claimed that he was under investigation for corruption.

The cheek of this lot, eating every animal going and messing around in labs creating a virus that’s caused havoc for four years and they won’t buy our beef! :thinking:

Beef back on the menu as Taoiseach has lunch with Chinese PM

They are training to invade Taiwan

Gona order two new iPhones now before there’s sanctions in place


I see a man flogging a headless cow?

Really? I see a set of gaa posts and a shot going wide as a gate.

Why do China want it so bad (?

Historical and strategic reasons. And to show that they are the biggest baddest fuckers in the world. And they are trying to take control of the entire south china sea.

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It’s their fourth green field.


I hope they do it. Them Taiwanese cunts have done me on batteries for years now… Hon China, sow it into the bastards

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Wasn’t Taiwan basically set up by exiles from a previous regime

Yep leaders pre mao fled there when mao took over. US has backed them since.

If they dont get it the yanks will end up using it as a base…same as Sevastopol

If In the unlikely event China do invade is Assume they’ll steam roll the place 1) and 2) will there be global Sanctions?

Very invade due to coastline. Not like the taiwanese havent been putting protection measures in place either.

Be a serious schamozzle with the yanks keen to.protect the crucial semi conductor or chip production yhey rely on from taiwan and the territorial waters.

Ive a guy from xiamen in china coming over to me in a few weeks. Ill.get him to sit down and do an Ask Me Anything (ama) for tfk. Get.your questions ready…