Breaking News- China

I think we should ask the Taiwanese what they want.


The world health organisation

Sure, why would you ask a province about national rule?

To avoid the war in ukraine?

What about the indigenous peoples of Taiwan? Bastard chinese settlers have no right to the island. They’re only there since the 1700s . The aboriginal peoples have 7000 years of history there. Let china in and restore the island to the aboriginal peoples

Do people think China will invade Taiwan?

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They’ve been invading it since the 1700s.


So you’re in favour of China invading Taiwan, yes?

It’s rude to answer a question with a question

It’s rude not to answer a straightforward question with a straightforward answer.

So you’re in favour of China invading, yes?

Restore Taiwan to the Taiwanese.

Expel the Han invaders.

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Indeed. Good day, sir.

So you’re in favour of China invading Taiwan, yes?

You Lose Good Day GIF

Ah yeah, you’re storming in off a huff because you won’t answer question and you think you’ve “won”.

Like Anthony Joshua raising his arms at the end of getting outpointed 119-109.

It’s gas to see lads supporting democracy in Taiwan, rejecting it in Ukraine and crying about it in the six counties. No wonder they’ve taken to refereeing their own Internet battles.


The unshakeable confidence of genocide loving cunts like this fella never ceases to amaze.

T would be like the Conderates fleeing to Cuba after the American Civil War

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The left now support the likes of Israel… It’s fascinating.

Buffett knows…