Breaking News- China

Buy expensive sculptures for them? Thats above my pay grade mate.

Doesn’t work anyway

Speak for yourself kid


I’d say they are just making up the names of cities now.

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I think I’ve made that noise after a feed of pints.

When I was there some of the lads told me
they have regular famines in China but any reporting of them is quickly buried. It’s a lot of people to feed.

They always had famines to 1970s and then they suddenly stopped.

A good read

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She’s a good looking girl.


A lovely video message by Ger Loughnane to the happy couple too

I’d agree with that. If you’re going to get caught out, shes not a bad un

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No hardship marrying that lass. She is absolutely stunning.
He looks delighted, and why wouldn’t he.

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Cha is punching there

fucking cowboys

That’s what happens when you force construction workers to wear face coverings. They get oxygen-starved and make basic mistakes.


Last year they had videos of people randomly collapsing in the street and look how that eneded. Wtf will happen if they start sending videos of building randomly collapsing?

south park animation GIF


All to do with silicone chip manufacturing apparently.
This is actually becoming a slightly concerning affair.