Breaking News- China

A swift baton and the threat of being disappeared does wonders for obedience

4 and a half years living in China mate. I think I put up the story about the meat van here before…
I’d count the communal living ethos as a plus bu the way.

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Is it not communist living?

They’re wide open, bit of social distancing in cinemas and restaurants. Meanwhile they’re taking the proactive step of distributing vitamin d, zinc, invermectin etc…at a cost of $1.50 per household…despite a few Irish lads expressing reservations about ‘peer review’
We’ll see where they are in 10nyears time while paddy is hiding under the bed due to whatever virus de jour is doing the rounds.

Lack of space generally means much more shared spaces. People meeting up to dance/chat/sing/play hackysack all over. Way less ‘respect’ for personal space.

City of 11m gone into full lockdown. No transport in or out.

Here we go again

Which city?

They must have heard we were onto them

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Now an ex city probably

Exactly, comrade.

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I’d say the lads in the CCP have been on the lash for a year. Who could blame them, they overthrew the entire western world simply by posting a photo of some diggers on Twitter.
It would be negligent of them not to pull the same stunt twice…a photo of someone directing traffic should do it.



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Imagine Gobbles tweeting about the holiday camps the Jews were in. Makes what trump did look small

There is no country or system in the history of humanity that has lifted so many people out of poverty in such a short space of time though.

“eradicating extremism” a nice way of say genocide

So it’s ok then?

Its disgusting a fancy way to say forced sterilisation policy

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Agreed. and the Nazis built brilliant railway networks…

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The Russians did great work moving their factories behind the Urals also.

Well we aren’t exactly shining beacons of how to treat women now are we?