Brexit a dó

He had far less difficulty eating Johnson for breakfast.

Did he quit politics one time to go work for Sunderland?

In fairness the likes of the Clooneys and the Clintons looking down on deplorables are as responsible for Brexit and Trump as anyone else.


They just don’t get it fella

There was a lady reviewing the papers on BBC last night and she said that

The world has moved on. These elites should keep their opinions to themselves and just wallow in their wealth.

It’s fine to have opinions. If they could just listen to the opposing side the odd time. They will be in shock again in November if Trump wins.

I think what Trump needs more than anything now is Hollywood elites threatening to move to NZ If he gets re-elected .

Another great fillip to Brexit is Alastair Campbell .


Do you remember Ray Darcy threatening to emigrate if Enda Kenny became Taoiseach? The fucking gowel

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He wrote a book about his depression struggles recently and is coining it in. So depressed over Brexit he decided to cash in

There is no uk-us “special relationship”. That’s just been a made up comfort blanket to generations of UK government. The US, quite rightly looks on the UK as an occasional shag when in town and there’s no other action. The UK is like the battered girlfriend who puts up with the abuse out of fear and loneliness.
A “specious” relationship was a better description.
Ireland has a special relationship with the us.

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Taxi for Moggo


Who will hang out with the Grover now?

The purple trouser brigade.
Apart from them, nobody, and they’ll all be dead soon.

Will there me a deal? Its the question on everyones lips.
My man in Brussels says YES

Course there will. John bull will take what he’s offered.
