Brexit a dó

Bit of bloodletting in number 10 today apparently.

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Whoever runs the simulation must have flushed the Jacks

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Have these cunts not left yet?

I wish the EU would just tell them to fcuk off tbh, and we could all have a giggle at the blind panic that would ensue.

theyre going to leave it the last minute before plunging the harpoon between john bulls shoulder blades

the deal was done months ago ffs, its all theatre and optics for the public

Why not just come out and say the deal is done? Why all this theatre and optics as you say? Can’t see the EU agreeing to that if it makes Johnson out to be some sort of Churchill like leader

The EU is the only adult in the room.
This is unfair to children as most are far more reasonable than the Tory front bench.

its all a con job, both sides have to been seen digging in until the last minute to appease their sides, its politics 101, the deal was done months ago behind closed doors, Johnson will arrive out tomorrow and the deal will miraculously happen

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Sammy’s blood pressure won’t hold
Add in John Taylor and Ken magennis for good measure

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They need to change their tact. Were counting on Trump being reelected and sorting some sort of deal in a relatively short time frame. Once the Mayo man got the gig, it all changed. You still get planks like Ian Duncan Smith saying how the EU will be down a 100 billion without the Brits. But if the yanks take the view that they have broke the good friday agreement, they have stated that they will tell them to fuck off regarding a deal. This could well lead to an enhanced deal with Europe and theres your 100 billion back right there

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That worked out well alright

Boris is your man alright

Ben Habib making shit of Neale Richmond here

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What station?


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