Brexit a dó

He’s like a gosóón who’s forgotten his homework there and has been hauled up to the Principal’s office for a few lashes of the cane. He’ll be outmaneuvered handy enough.

She has him bent over by now you’d say

As long as Fraueline Ursula isn’t bent over there’s some hope still.

Gavan Reilly is an awful weasel.

Johnson was very strong with her last night, he has them on the rack now, they are folding like cheap tents

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Word is O Biden gave Boris a private call yesterday and reminded him who’d the daddy

The EU served scallops to Boris at the dinner last night. A poignant gesture

Biden will do fuck all

Biden and the EU may very soon be at loggerheads

All that auld shite about Nancy Pelosi, she did fuck all the auld hag

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Republican senses tingling, wolfe tones turned up to 11. They must stay away from our fish. Saoirse ár iasc

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I still can’t fathom the attitude of brexit supporters. Is it pure ignorance of a lack of a none Anglican lesson in world history. Have they ever stopped to think why do the Scots, irish, argies, French, Spaniards, Indian’s, Dutch, ozzies and Caribbean nations all hate them?

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They’re all just jealous because Britain is great.


Its in the name :rofl::rofl: just like the Democratic Peoples Republic of korea is a democracy.

There’s no Great France.

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Can’t say great Germany either, unless your shirt is blue

Bomb the French cunts

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