Brexit a dó

How will you identify the cunts to be bombed?

Now that would be beautiful.

For the consequences.

Von Der Leyden has a Checkered past. She once fled West Germany to hide in London for a year or so.

The talks deadline will surely be extended. It’s in nobody’s interest to have no deal.

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She did and she changed her name. In fairness to her she did it because the Red Army Faction were going to kidnap her. Her father was a very prominent politician.


They just need to get on with it now.


[quote="TheUlteriorMotive, post:605,

The talks deadline will surely be extended. It’s in nobody’s interest to have no deal.

Try telling planks like Duncan Smyth and Francois that

Meehawl on Andrew Marr there.

Ursula gave a friend a massive defense contract when in the German cabinet, that’s why she was shipped off to Europe. The EU is just another jobs for the boys club. I wouldn’t be cheerleading too loud for them here

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From what end of Clare will the missiles be launched? Spanish Point?

Which country is he on about? Dungiven?

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What an utter embarrassment. He’d let us down at a leprechaun summit.

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In fairness the Brits threw on Dominic Waab so it was nil all at the finish


The David stand. There’s a strong wind forecast this afternoon.

I didnt see him on Andrew Marr but he was on English TV earlier in the week and he sounded pathetic, like gust of wind would blow him over, talking about how everyone needs to “reflect”. WTF was he on about, does he think Boris is going to reflect? You’re not talking to Nuala and Brenda now Meehole.


If you took the words “reflect” and “overarching” out of the windy cunts vocabulary there wouldn’t be much left.


He is an embarrassment


Mehole could learn a lot from Coveney’s gallant display on Marr cc @Bandage.

Along with England game in Croke Park 2007, a sign we’d matured as a nation.

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We have miggledy for those.

Nil all Vs that utter fuckwit raab is like being pleased with a no score draw against Sligo in the football.

‘Fish in our time’