Brexit a dó

Unicef sending the children of the UK some breakfasts would appear to have tipped the scales


Per source, the only hold up left is whether they can slap a Made in UK tag on elecrtic cars processed in Europe but distributed from the UK

Boris is determined to do whatever it takes even if it means staying up until the late hours. Covid19 will not steal the Christmas headlines that are rightfully his

A masterstroke by macron to give the Brits a taste of the border


I’d say the chaos of the last few days was a fair wake up call. Warnings only go so far.

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There’ll be bluebirds over
the white cliffs of Dover

Each British citizen will receive a £10 nandos voucher for the victory over the gerries

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This will go down as worse than the fall of Rome. The stupid cunts will lose everything.

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Ah, steady on mate. The empire is gone a long time.
I don’t think they’ll be sacked by the Visigoths. They will become inexorably poorer until finally they realise the pan is really very very hot, and the IMF are called in to throw an ice cube in whilst they beg the EU to let whatever is left of the UK (England Wales and NI I suspect) back in, which they will eventually after a bit of grovelling. It’s the end of sterling. The rebate is less an an issue, as they’ll be so skint they’ll be net benefitters until they find their feet like Ireland has.
Life goes on.

Boris handed over negotiations to Princess Nut Nut. Big Dom looking more and more like the Arteta to his Pep.

Question is, is sterling now likely to rise significantly in the short term :thinking::thinking::thinking:
Long term it’s fcuked.

Boris has delivered the deal, it was done months ago as I have mentioned, it was all grandstanding and theatre

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Barnier and Macron sidelined. Deal directly with the Germans. Job done.

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Who are the winners and losers in all this, mate? The Sun’s political editor Harry Cole says Boris has mugged Barnier off, mugged him off good and proper on Christmas Eve.

So the head honchos in Audi , Mercedes & BMW got their way ???

Ultimately, yes.


They’ve driven the deal all along.

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What was Britain’s BATNA?

Lads starving to death in lorries on motorway hard shoulders?

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Sure they were all EU citizens.