Brexit a dó

Wasn’t that done retrospectively and on actually joining

Vehemently supported by the mail , express and torygraph at the time.

Seems to be some movement in the last few hours. Few European meps saying a deal is there and should be announced in next 24hrs

Didn’t you hear, the deal was done months ago

Sure im only talking about the announcement of said deal.

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Hopes were rising on Wednesday that a Brexit trade deal could be sealed within hours as intensive talks continued between EU and UK teams to secure an agreement before Christmas.

British officials said that while the two sides were still arguing over fisheries and other issues — including competition rules for a “level playing field” — a deal as early as Wednesday evening was “possible”, with Boris Johnson in close contact with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

European diplomats agreed that a deal could be nailed down before the Christmas break, with one predicting an agreement as soon as Wednesday night.

TUM called this. Of course there will be a deal.

A pageant for the proles

Of course there will. Sure neither side could be seen to call a deal too early. Its all about optics, it was probably agreed weeks ago.

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The diplomats want to knock off for the Christmas so there will be a deal done while there’s still time to buy a present for the mistress.

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Boris has done it now Britain will flourish

Boris will have the begging bowl out and will need a litle help from their friends …

Borris getting the deal done

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you can make a fortune here on the mainland if you hold your nerve, the likes of the furlough scheme is being abused in unimaginable ways, the only upside of this thing for someone like me

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Brexit means BREXIT

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Boris has sold Brexit doen the tube, per source

Boris has waved the white flag on the white cliffs of Dover.

EU to reduce fishing take from UK waters by 25 per cent.

It was the Lufthansa food packages wot won it

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The 24 hour blockade broke the Blitz spirit.