Brexit a dó

The Dubs?

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I’ve seen them lose plenty.

Brian Fenton on the other hand…

Itll probably be a nail in the coffin for Boris anyway. The whole covd thing has diluted it even more. The one upside for Boris is that as things start to go really tits up in Britain, he can blame the covid and its after effects.

But he’ll keep banging on about prospering mightily and they’ll keep lapping it up. The insanity just begets more insanity. He’ll still be there in 3 years time saying the same shite while most of the UK starves.

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There’s some Tory MP on BBC World News now. He is spouting the greatest load of shite I’ve ever heard. Andrew Bridgen. He’s completely mental. Taking back control

From what?

Fighting a battle on fishing (0.02% of GDP) and conceding big style on service industry (80% of gdp) Boris is a show pony.

The fact that they’re as thick as planks over there is their own business. I certainly wont have any sympathy for them.

Merry Christmas by the way kid

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And yet noone was able to look into their crystal ball when macron pulled the plug during the week because of "covid " This is what Dover will look like in 12 months time regardless.

One of our very senior managers here is a pom who hasn’t been home in years. I had to explain the whole thing to him the other week. He had no idea what’s going on.
My brother who lives in Bristol says most people he speaks to, including in business transactions, have no idea and actually don’t want to know. They’re just sleepwalking into disaster.
You’re right, I have no sympathy for them.
Happy Christmas pal, delighted you could enjoy the All Ireland in such a shit year.

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He’s a goner regardless

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How is he a goner? He’s the figurehead of this insanity and willl be the easy target for blame. No one else would want it now and it will suit the fuckwit brexiteers to keep him there.

Standby fellas. We are about to witness history. Some coincidence it happens to be on Christmas eve thats just the way the cookie crumbles somethimes I suppose

What history are we witnessing? This deal is more watery than the oceans they were fighting for over the fish

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Can anyone answer the big question. Will I be able to buy duty free now if I’m coming back from the UK?

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Lads on an Irish sports forum on Christmas Eve are experts on a deal they haven’t yet seen :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Off to Holyhead on the Stena and load the fuck up

Dr Tony won’t like that. I suspect they’ll find a way to stop it.

Wait till they find out they need a visa to go to Cheltenham and Old Trafford.


The women of Moore Street will be out a few bob if a €20 flight to Liverpool means you can bring home cheap smokes

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We’ll be grand, sure we’ve a pre existing deal. It’ll be Johnny Bull going mental when he’s to pay €20 for a Spanish visa and wait in the slow queue in the airport for his two weeks in Torrevieja

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