Brexit a dó

I just googled it there it’s actually €80 a year for a Schengen visa :joy:

Boris Boris Boris

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Let them eat fish

He’s some man to pull it out of the fire when he’s back is against the wall. A great result for Ireland too. Everyone is a winner

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Boris Johnson has saved the Good Friday agreement. He’s being portrayed as a hero

A landslide election win, a Brexit deal, surviving Covid, no more paternity suits, cucking Harry Cole. You have to hand it to Boris

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Like a fella who deliberately started a fire in his own house, being hailed a hero because he managed to save half the house


This generations Churchill

Lads, how does Borris deal compare to what May had originally?

May’s deal was on the Withdrawal Agreement so not directly comparable

Apparently it’s more or less the same.

He should get the Nobel peace prize

Has Boris just delivered the best Christmas present the British people could ever have asked for?

Its unreal, unbelievable. Everyone is a winner. Have some of that Starmer

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They’d be dancing on the streets of Grimsby tonight if they weren’t locked inside their houses

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This is bigger than VE Day

The hand of History is upon us. This is bigger then the wall coming down in Berlin that time

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Boris said he’d deliver and in fairness thats exactly what he did. Just in the nick of time too

The deal was done weeks ago

Except you and thousands like you who will see your employment rights stripped bare over the next couple of years.
Enjoy, suckers.