Brexit a dó

Like Mick, they hate everyone, but mostly themselves.

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We hate ourselves too

I thought the world was supposed to end after Brexit for John Bull with 4000 lorries backed up in Dover and Holyhead every day?? what an absolute cod it all was from the Eu, all their auld shite and threats, and now they have fucked Paddy, throwing him a few thousands vaccine jabs here and there, because he is not allowed buy his own vaccine

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This is the end

because they got what they wanted, so they can crawl back under their brexit rock and stay there.

Hard to argue with the sentiment

Now it’s real

Brexit means Brexit

Welcome to the Brexit sir.

“I don’t think anyone expected the rug to be pulled from under them so quickly.”

You’d wonder what exactly they thought was going to happen.


Lovely jubbly.

That rug being Gibraltar.

I’ve seen many interviews over the last few years with ex pats living in Spain. A majority were Brexiteers and were convinced that Spain would make allowances and accommodate them because the Spanish economy depended on them.

Seems Johnny Foreigner disagreed.


I reckon Spain are delighted. They won’t mess about removing the majority who don’t meet the criteria either.

That’s all we need back in England, more English people

Why do the Poles hate Ireland?

Probably because balbec seriously dirtied his Bib over there

The tans have mugged themselves off here… Just 90 days of every 180 can be spent in the EU? October - May is usually full of the egg, chip and bean brigade on the Costa. They’ll be seething to see Paddy get a strong foothold now and breakfast rolls dominating menus.

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Well they wanted to ‘just get on with it’ and ‘get Brexit done’…well they’ve got what they wished for!