Brexit a dó

I’m a bit surprised that the old folks are being replaced so quickly by younger brits. Fair play to those lads.

Because ye don’t ate swans.

I suspect that is a new pastime known as extreme wishful thinking

First of 5 billin on the way from the EU

How much did NI get from Westminster? Multiple of that I assume

That’s unintentionally hilarious. John Bull is living there ten years and never thought to learn Spanish

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What’s the billion for, spuds?




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A cork limerick motorway


I had the misfortune of come old cunt planting himself beside me on the London train a while back and start trying to talk (so much so that I moved to another carriage after a bit). He couldn’t wait to tell me he was back from living in benidorm for 18 years as he needed an operation and was going to London.
“You must have good Spanish after 18 years” I said, trying to be polite.
“Don’t need to, they all speak English”
“Would you not have the operation done there?”
“Don’t trust any of em”

Pretty much verbatim as I’ve told that story a fair few times in despair.


Is parcel motel totally done now? Will we just have to suck up the extra tax on items or is there a way around it?

Penny finally dropping for the staunchly vote leavers

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fuck them, they had their chance in 2014


I would love it… love it… if they dumped their catch of shellfish outside Westminster. Just once…

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Me too. It’d be another very minor brexit positive.
Id rather it went in equal shares into the front gardens of the entire front bench though. A good few lorryloads.

Does that suggest he was a brexiteer?