Brexit a dó


I read yesterday there’s been a 60% downturn in Irish sea freight traffic. That’s incredible. Rosslare will become the new Dublin port.

The huge investments in Dublin port and holyhead may well be wasted resources.

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You would think that but if you have ever driven out of holyhead you will know there is absolutely nothing there.

Motorway service stations seem to service the requirements.

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A lovely photograph of a mugging off actually taking place. Boris looks almost embarrassed for Ian

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A Limerick - Rosslare motorway is the next logical step.

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Are there many Munster rugby fans in Rosslare?

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Will @flattythehurdler have to switch from Claret and Rioja?


There aren’t even any Munster Rugby fans in Limerick any more sure.


Might speed up the transformation of the ports into primarily cruise spots or build another town there

Hopefully we get a good Sea Shanty version of the Scottish fishermen getting fucked over by Raab

It’s amazing. The UK have literally fucked their economy. An act of self sabotage beyond historical parallel.


What’s worse is that most of the fucking planks dont realise it yet and wont until this covid thing is under control


The McDonalds by the roundabout does a great trade.

I’m well stocked up mate. I’ve enough wine in for about 5 years I reckon. Fear not.

The only logical thing I can see here, is that the Tories want shot of NI, Scotland, and eventually wales. I simply can’t see any other reason for the way they are behaving.

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There is no freight parking though?

Ive never driven through in a HGV.
I doubt it gives much of a boon to the local economy bar maybe guesthouses before early morning sailings.
Most people just want to get through and away.

Unless you are a foot passenger with about 3 hrs to kill after getting off the train. A very accommodating public house just across the road that’s open all hours
