Brexit a dó

That’s class.

Greggs running out :flushed::flushed::flushed:

Of what?

Chicken for now.
I had a milkshake in McDonalds this morning though (well half a one as it’s all I could stomach) so all is not lost.

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Brexiteers voted for no blood tests, they’re afraid of needles.

No milkshakes or ice-cream at McDonald’s Macclesfield this morning.

Another Brexit benefit

That’s a good thing

Its getting close to tipping point. No beer and cheap shit food makes little Englanders something something…

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No bog roll in Lidl here since the weekend. Something to do with supply from the UK apparently.

Are you using your mrs’ fanny pads?

You’re a bit obsessed with other poster’s missuses vaginas of late. All ok?

The last thing I’m obsessed with is @Horsebox’s mrs’ gee.

Yet it was the first thing that popped into that deviant little head of yours.

I’m using j cloths and soap if you must know.


You need to keep a close eye on that deviant. The kind of lad that would steal your missuses underwear off the clothes line back in the day. A weird bastard.

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There was a man not far from @Thomas_Brady 's neck of the woods nicknamed The Undietaker in college for similar reason

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Heard about that guy. Had to move to Cork in the end, I believe.


Soap is no good bro — that’s very sensitive skin around your arsehole - soap will dry it out and the next thing you know it’s cracking and bleeding and you could get shit in your blood stream and die.

And lived happily ever after.

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