Brexit a dó

Does he post here ?? The first 3 words !!!


Can someone confirm the following: If I ordered something from e.g. Scotland, and got it sent to the occupied 6, there would be no customs or VAT etc as it would be “internal postage”:
If I then arranged for it to be sent down south from the north, would I pay any extra customs etc as it stands?
Or e.g. if I bought a pair of shoes online from a shop in Belfast for €50, do I get charged anything other than shipping to get it sent down south?
I am looking to buy something from UK and get it sent to a mate in the north to try and avoid customs etc on it. It would be more than €1,000 to buy it.

Send it to me, pal. I’ll get it passed on to you no bother.

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Cc @Copper_pipe

You can’t even send a sausage to the north from the UK without paying VAT at the moment.
No problem sending anything to and from Northern Ireland.

There’s no way around it. Check prices in Europe and compare with UK price plus VAT. Couriers are adding fees as well to collect the VAT. About €15 extra.

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Ypu pay vat on everything regardless


I think you also pay excise fee of 12% if the value is over €500. Not sure about that exactly.
Have a read page 13.

I’m thinking of leasing a bit of space from Tommy Cassidy in Derrylin. I could then establish a bone fide UK address and proceed from there. A van or two may be required eventually. You can read every line of the Brexit withdrawal and protocol but yet Tommy can tell you where you stand in one sentence. Opportunities abound for enterprising young tigers……


Get somebody to bring it over for you.

I occasionally forget who Maros Sefcovic is and then when I hear his name mentioned I think to myself “is he still with Chelsea?”

Does he not play up top for Switzerland


Farage on Claire Byrne Live a few minutes ago:


Jesus fucking Christ :smile:

He’s making 60 quid a throw. Who’s actually laughing here?


38 euro for a message from the captain.

Cc @Spidey



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I’d imagine it’s more to do with attention seeking on his behalf than the money

Is that all it is? 60 quid? Sure he must be loaded from doing fuckall as an mep for years anyway.
Just looked up his net worth. 4 million. He clearly doesn’t need it so he’s just doing it for the craic and his ego.