Brexit a dó

I get you. There are some things that you’ve to go outside the country for.
I check all the Irish sites first when I’m looking for something. I’ve about a dozen places to check (with Golden Discs at the bottom).

Johnny Frog after impounding one of Boris’s fishing boats. Of all the areas to take on John Bull you’d think the French would have a enough cop on not to go down this particular one as it always end spectacularly badly for them.

Oh god, this will surely rile them up.

Her majesties’ Navy will be high alert.

Another humiliation beckons for the cowardly frogs, All Boris has to do is send a gun boat into Le Harve and they’ll shit themselves like the last time

They’ll probably find they don’t have anyone to drive the gunboat.


Reduce sentences for experienced gunboat operators currently serving at Lizzie’s pleasure.

Plus ca change :slightly_smiling_face:

ffs, Farage trousering a few hundred every morning mugging off pretend ira simpletons and they lapping it up :rofl: :rofl:


Farage has it down to it a tee in all fairness, get up, do 10 videos for 60 quid and off for a day of wumming, making videos about migrants at dover and all that shite, nice bit of pocket money for a bit of grub and a few pints in the afternoon


I reckon Farage is in on the joke now and just wumming. He’s throwing the 60 pound in over the counter then for some pints of ale over the weekend, courtesy of some Irish folk who think it’s a right laugh to pay him 60 quid.

The Micks are some simpletons

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As the saying goes a fool and their money are soon parted and Farage will gladly take money from fools.

Another way of looking at it is that Farage is happy to be made a fool of for 60 pound. He puts a small price on his dignity.

A load of simpletons in a pub tonight in Ballybollix gathered around johnny shitehawk watching the video on his WhatsApp thinking its savage craic

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They’re all fucking fools.

He’s not being made a fool of, thats the point.


Yeah but the difference is that one of them is getting paid 60 bucks to be a fool and the other paying 60 bucks to the one that is acting the fool. I’d prefer to be the one getting the 60 bucks that the one paying out the 60 bucks.

There’s an awful want in Paddy.