Brexit a dó

That’s it

Richie’ Kavanagh had one

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Looks to be too far away from the border to be of any use.
Are the sheds dry by the way?

I was considering business opportunities but I don’t think you’re up to it.

I’m curious. So far we know that it involves sows and transit vans.

You need to diversify

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There’ll be fortunes made up there by fellas not afraid to do the bollox. @anon67715551 is running a course on border shenanigans in Leitrim further education. Be worth the few bob.

There’s not much in the way of cold hard business proposals here.

Arbitrage. Something that is tariffed from the EU to the UK. Or vice versa. Fortunes will be made


I had to Google that. Right- we’re going places. The next move is to identify products.

Holding pen for kidnapped American insurance company executives?

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Unfortunately his underground bunker is full to the brim at the moment.

Garden tables?

Wibble wobble fish pie


He’ll have to go back and bully some civil servants into getting him an answer because he’s too thick to think of one.

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Another April fools surely?


Saw her live 2 weeks ago. Very good show.