Brexit a dó

I’ve seen it. Or at least a portion of it. My memory of it is that it presented where we are weak and what options we can take… have we decided on a course of action? I’m interested in what the headbangers here want… They’re all insults and going off on the new world order but putting very little of their own thoughts forward.

It was one of the best things I’ve listened to anyway.

Maybe listen to it instead of spouting on about trump

I’m familiar with that narrative. No-one is saying they didn’t pose for a few photos and adopt the ‘hearts and minds’ strategy before gunning down innocent catholics.

He made a silly comment about peace keeping for their first year… that’s the only thing he was pulled up on and he went off in ten different directions to deflect from his stupidity.

How many Irish far right elected reporesentatives are there in the Dail and Brussles? I believe the answer is zero.

How many far left represnstatives? 4 in the Dail (PBP) and 2 in Brussels (fruitcake party)?

You didn’t even give people before profit a mention, even though they boycotted Biden’s address and are clearly hostile to the western alliance you seemingly favor.

The threat is indeed Sinn Fein, but only if they get into power and move in the PBP direction, it’s curtains for Ireland then.

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The left are now the real danger to the world.

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On this forum the Troubles is mainly characterised as goodies v baddies.

And it really isn’t characterised as complex. In Irish society in general, the Troubles is increasingly characterised as goodies v baddies. That it was no more complex than that.

And the propaganda that denies that complexity is as insidious as the anti-immigrant propaganda. Spread largely by the same people, and consumed by many of the same people.

If this was not so, Sinn Fein would not be on 37% in the polls.

I’ve not seen that anywhere at all really.

Far right propaganda is spreading wildly online. Propaganda which has as its aim the fall of liberal democracy is spreading wildly online.

Online is the battleground, and online influences what happens offline.

The people I referenced earlier are all on the side of the fall of liberal democracy.

Anybody who doesn’t take this threat seriously is a fool.

Ah yes the Irish government who rehoused refugees, helped negotiate Sunningdale, signed the Anglo Irish Agreement etc.

The Brollys of this world are gas. The youth don’t care about the Troubles (when it’s the IRA) so stop talking about it but give it big licks into everyone else. :rofl:

You know it when you see it. When people get emotional and angry because victims are brought up, you know what their game is. When you see the “Ruth Dudley Edwards” and “West Brit” and “Jamie Bryson” insults thrown around, you know somebody is not operating in good faith, they’re trolls.

Sinn Fein and the DUP are not going to take Ireland anywhere good. Gript and Aontu and anti-immigrant propaganda and Up The RA propaganda and the Eilis O’Hanlons and David Quinns and Mick Wallaces and Clare Dalys and Paddy Cosgraves and Jamie Brysons are not going to take Ireland anywhere good.

So PBP and the far left are not a threat? Even though they are diametrically opposed to everything you are saying here and elsewhere? A move by Sinn Fein to further left is not a threat? The chances of Sinn Fein moving to the tight are zero, their base are left leaning.

The far right boogeyman is in your head, the threat to liberal democracy is from the left and has been for over a century.

The Irish government barely raised a whimper about Bloody Sunday, kept quiet about collusion and still don’t have the temerity to put their hands in the air about the dublin and monaghan bombings. A few British MPs did and said more about the Birmingham six and Guildford four than the entirety of successive irish governments.


Sinn Fein at 37% in the polls has exctly zero to do with the troubles.

The reality is during the troubles the great majoroty of people in the Republic regarded NI with apathy and wished it would go away. Support for the IRA in the Repunlic would have been less than 5%, maybe 1-2%.

The reality in terms of baddies and goodies is that to an Irish Republican, a British soldier in uniform was never acceptable on Irish soil. Hard for an Anglophile to understand, but if you start from there you will have some chamce of understanding the conflict.

“We will not stand idly by”

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PBP’s thinly veiled pro-Russia stance is a threat. So is Sinn Fein’s. Sinn Fein are a nationalist party first, last, everything. That’s their ideology. They don’t have any real ideology beyond that. They’ll say anything that’s popular if they think it will benefit their ideology. Currently that means housing. When that fails, they’ll move on to blame, like Putin and Viktor Orban do.

You don’t consider the far right a threat because you support them. Look what they’ve done to America, the absolute insane asylum they’ve turned it into. Look around you. For once.

Look what Brexit has done. Look what far right propaganda has done in the North. Look what far right propaganda does in Europe. Look what it has done in Russia. Look what it’s doing in India.

There is no positive consequence of far right propaganda, anywhere, ever. It is not a legitimate part of political discourse, it’s a cancer.

Again, only insults.

The Disneyfication of the PIRA has everything to do with Sinn Fein’s current success. It could not exist without it.

All that matters in the North is building a society. Flags don’t matter, what “nation” you’re part of doesn’t matter. None of that puts bread on the table.

Sinn Fein administer British rule, so in that regard they’re hypocrites. They also have a vested interest in the failure of the state where they administer British rule. That doesn’t benefit ordinary people. The DUP’s ideology benefits nobody.

Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and that is recognised democratically by the people of Ireland and the people of Northern Ireland. That may change in the future, it may not, it likely won’t. But there is provision for it to do so. In the meantime, all that matters is making that society work. And to hell with nationalism, Irish and British.

It’s only 80 years since we were very nearly invaded by the Nazis. We haven’t even got rid of the Brits yet, so whilst yes, I think at present it is of no importance to have a major defence force, I certainly think we should be encouraging and substantially contributing to an EU one. We have water, lots of it, and food, lots of it. This will make Ireland increasingly a target.
Think of it this way, there have been two world wars an scores of major conflicts at a time when for the most part neither land nor energy nor water nor food has been scarce for the countries involved. What will it be like as these things do become scarce?
For now, any invasion would only be as part of a global war in which the entire planet is fcuked, but 4bn a year is only skimming the corporation tax.

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