Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Stop making excuses and whinging.


Just calling it like it is. Id never dream of saying anything like that to a decent poster, but this bullying cunt wont be getting an apology.

Do a group apology to the board and ill let it lie

It doesnā€™t matter who you said it to either, idiot.

The Jimmy Savile case is believed to have triggered an increase in the reporting of rape and sexual assault, rather than there being an increase in the actual amount of rape and sexual assault in the same time frame.

The rise in your graph can be tied directly to the time Savileā€™s abuse hit the news.

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Can I get your judgement on whether this is racist or not, mate?

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Beau has let himself down these last 18 months

Thanks. I 100% agree with that.

You have to be the most vile piece of shit ever to access the web. @glasagusban and @Sidney , you have and are fully entitled to your political and societal view as expressed on here, once you can argue them in an adult fashion, but please donā€™t support this fucking gobshite in his personal campaigns. This fella is the most insidious cunt ever to grace a website and he wouldnā€™t piss on either of you if you were burning.

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Heā€™s an insidious little bollix mate. Canā€™t string together a coherent sentence, but fancies himself as a mouthpiece. Unlike the Tipp idiot he actually is seriously venomous. Like a lot of his crew though doesnā€™t understand English well which will be his undoing.

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His request for images of my children suggests heā€™s something far more sinister than that ā€¦

Maybe the American chef hasnā€™t picked up on it yet, Iā€™d suggest he read some of maroonandshites other posts before he defends him.

you are just a simpleton, itā€™s as straight forward as that

One of Tippā€™s best, a hard spot to fill

in fairness most tipp lads are sound. this lad is an embarrassment to humanity

Very interesting doc, thanks.

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I only saw as far as the farage interview. Did I miss anything after?

Yeah quite a bit. It concludes with an interview with Blair but the segment before is in a school which is highly multi racial. They talk to the head teacher and she talks about their approach to different races/cultures. Whites are now their focus as theyā€™ve fallen behind.

FAO of @Tassotti, @flattythehurdler, and other posters based in UK.

FAO of @TreatyStones, and other posters interested in conspiracy theories.

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